Why do some people hate playing the meta?

Why do some people hate playing the meta?

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You can't prove the wizard wrong.

you dont need to prove the wizard wrong. the wizard died

Calm down, it's just a game.

a game you arent playing cuz youre always in the graveyeard

i hate you niggers so much it's unreal

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Fuck you wizard, stop feeding

>Why do people dislike getting pigeon holed into doing literally 1 thing that "pros" deemed the right thing
Gee user I don't know.

this is how I have fun though. If me being in the grave yard is such a problem for you then maybe, just MAYBE, you should play a different game. Food for though

I will spend hours googling polls to figure out which is the least played class/spec and play that
No one can stop me

>someone took the time to make that image
Sad, and mad. Mostly sad.


Depends on the game in some games the meta is not fun while some niche bullshit build is but really that’s a problem with the game cause good games have a healthy meta

I like it when my teammates scream at me to change character and eventually rage quit when I don't

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lol mobafaggots deserve every ounce of suffering

Me too

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>play class nobody uses
>beat people because they don't know how to fight it

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no i dont need too your retardation is entertaining.

I don't hate the meta, I just like ruining the fun for others.

I pick what I like and then do my best to make it work.

hold on, does this board skip large gets?

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I will always pick Scout even if we have 11 other Scouts. I am the best, someone else can go medic if they're so desperate for healing. I'd rather lose while having fun than win while bored out of my damn mind.

I don't play assfaggots but the same logic applies. If I want to spend my time playing Captain Midlane in whatever lane I get stuck in, I'm damn well going to do so.

because if the meta is boring to play, I am no longer having fun. It's fucking horrendous. There will ALWAYS be some sort of meta because there are always going to be the most efficient builds, gear, abilities, etc. But to demand that everyone be a slave to the whims of the meta is stupid within reason. If that person who refuses to play meta is also the reason for lack of progress on a boss or something, remove them from group. Simple as.

>play TF2
>we have three Spies
>teammate complains about it
>switch to Spy
>usually several other teammates do the same

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yes? how new?

Just because somebody can't live up to your level of autism doesn't mean they hate the meta.