It's actually really fucking good

I didn't try the mario or animal crossing one's, though they didn't look that good desu.

Attached: cold stone kirby.png (691x713, 894.75K)

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its...its fucking ice cream with a bunch of toppings... what the fuck did you expect you fucking dipshit?

cool it with the antinintendoism snoy

bro chill out

have an original thought for once

goy slop

>[poster was granted +5 nintendo credit in the eshop for this post]

woah bro, cool down

Attached: 1262425256337.jpg (600x827, 49.18K)

pretty yikes dude, why so aggressive?

woah! settle down man.

Attached: mommmiDarkSouls.png (953x851, 565.03K)

Waited in line for this with the wifey for close to an hour, finally got it and it was so. damn. good!!! When we finally got home, her boyfriend was mad I had her so long! Rounded out the day with some Kirby on my Switch.

cringe dude, take a chill pill

kek fucking retard 12 year old tendies eat there little ice reams fucking pussys i hate all of you fuck you all you took everthing away from me burn in hell 12 year old cucks

Woah is this a birth of an epik new meme

>What, did 12 year olds shit on your ice cream?

coastcuck got foodcucked by CHADgulls


you guys ever take out food at the beach and start a seagull storm

The marshmallows ruin it

>t. Superstar Sprinkle Blastfag

Seems like kirby’s been getting marketed a little more than usual this year with this and kung fu tea

I agree user I went and grabbed some and it's solid
I even went and grabbed another today

Attached: ecsd.png (245x515, 136.07K)