Sunbreak has the best MH postgame so far

The Qurio givesALL monsters a hard version (Tempered was barely harder and if "lucky" even easier than non-Tempered ones). This is something I always wanted a Monster Hunter to do

Early monsters are some of the best in MH games but get completely steamrolled in 1 minute, but now you can actually hunt and enjoy an actual fight where you have to react to their attacks. Of course then there are also 10/10 monsters like Malzeno, Magna, Rajang, Gore, the new MR Zinogre and so on anyway

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Honestly agree

I hated MHW investigations because you did them 3 times and then lost the quest

>no guild quests
>no apex
>no investigation
>every monster now has cancer AOE with huge range
wow amazing postgame

Talisman RNG is still complete bullshit.

>lists a bunch of bad things it doesn't have
>pretends that's a bad thing

I find Afflicted monsters really fun and some of them even more than the original version.
Popping those red spots feel really satisfying to me.
Also, is Bloodblight supposed to be a debuff? It's free healing, lmao.

The only good thing you mentioned is Apexes and they will probably add somthing similar or, even better, just more monsters and variants
>every monster now has cancer AOE with huge range
World had the most cancerous AoEs with Lunastra and rule-defying shit like Behemoth, Safi and Fatalis who don't even care about iframes. If you mean the Qurio explosion, that's one attack that's easy to avoid

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Welcome to Monster Hunter? At least talismans aren't a huge deal anymore--you're good if you have one with two big slots.

So can you just hunt whatever shows up as long as it has the new status or is it like World where you would just spam the same easy temp elder dragon investigation over and over?

I really like Sunbreak but I don't understand why people love the Afflicted so much. I wish they had unique moves or some attribute other than inflated HP values and glowing limbs.

He cute

This. Making decos RNG was way more retarded. Maybe five skill points versus potentially 20

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There are certain afflicted materials that drop from a group of monsters, people go for the easiest one (for example, Afflicted Great Izuchi)

You could meld decos in Iceborne.

you mean the thing 4U already did?

risesperms don't know about 4u

All the weapons are imo the best now, all the monsters are the best they have ever been, the locales are the best with Jungle and Citadel, and it lets me get to the monster and start fightan faster than any other MH. I'm disappointed there still isn't a cool new siege monster like Dalamadur or Jhen but this has still turned out to be a very kino installment

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You could meld charms since 4U. The problem is that in World, you can potentially get fucked out of a decoration that contributes a LOT to a specific weapon, like Mighty Bow or Ironwall. I didn't even get a Mighty Bow Jewel until late Master Rank.

And neither do you two by the looks of it.

He looks so fucking good now

>Guild Quests
You had to grind monsters for days to even get them to high difficulty and they only spawned in the same generic zone. Some monsters randomly didn't get a GQ as well, Rathalos of all monsters

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Afflicted > Frenzy > Hyper > Tempered

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Loving it so far, hope you ain't lying

so happy my guy espinas is in, easily the best monster in the game

>Canyne? No thanks bro

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