Which of these are worth playing?

Which of these are worth playing?

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but try one of the newest games then don't waste anymore time with the series.

being completely honest from someone that has played them all and they become shittier and shitter:
2, 4 and Odyssey.
Aside from that don't waste your time.

Ezio trilogy & Black Flag are usually considered the best ones.
If you like Black Flag you can try Rogue.

1,2, Brotherhood, Revelations. That's it. AC3 if you want to see Desmond die. AC4 if you want the last good AC game.

Black Flag while ignoring the shoehorned assassin stuff. Play it for pirate kino

The only good ones are Black Flag, Origins and Odyssey. Rest are dull and/or feel unoriginal, unless you are sentimental about them.

1 brother hood and blackflag

Ignore the rest

Why Odyssey and not Valhalla?

1 and 2 had the most soul
black flag is the best

Ass Creed is legitimately a dull mediocre series

All of them except Syndicate and Odyssey

1 was an amazing game about being an assassin, where 80% of the game is just planning for your hit and 20% is executing and fleeing the scene. It plays nothing like the other titles, but is a fucking great game.

2 and Brotherhood are the classics of the series that all the others emulated, and are solid as well. More focus on cutscenes, character development, exploration, etc.

Revelation and 3 were just bad. Weird settings, uninspired gameplay that was basically just 2+Brotherhood, but worse, and is also where the overarching ''''story'''' of the series went fucking insane with ANCIENT ALIENS and time travel and fuck me.

Black Flag is barely an Asscreed game and was fucking awesome, first attempt at going fully open-world and just letting you do pirate shit. Great time, great game.

Rogue, Unity and Syndicate went back to the 'Brotherhood/2 but worse' formula, nothing of interest in any of them really unless you really loved Brotherhood/2 and want to play something worse but similar enough to fire neurons.

Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are trying to be a mixture of MMO gameplay with bastardized elements of what made Black Flag good, but whether it succeeds is up to the player. You have leveling now, skillpoints, gear score, quests and sidequests, etc etc, and each takes fucking 120+ hours to full clear cause of their MMO nature.

The series is weird because its basically 4 different genres all under the same series title.
>AC1 is stealth + adventure
>AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, Rogue, Unity and Syndicate are adventure + combat + exploration + story games
>Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are MMO + RPG + Open World

Oh as a last note, Asscreed 3 is actually worth it purely for the ship combat minigame/side content. It was their testing bed for Black Flag and is somehow vastly superior to the latter, with you fighting other ships in a fucking whirlpool, having destructible ship elements and wind+sailing actually being super critical.

2 & Odyssey by a huge margin

A lot of people overlook the merits of the Assassin's Creed. No other series let's you explore historic cities and really sell the idea that people are living in them. I would say origins does that the best while 3 and black flag don't really offer that to the same extent as it isn't really that interesting to go around early colony towns.

best in series:
>ac 2
>black flag

worth playing:
>ac 1


dont bother:

Is Liberation worth playing

Out of all three nu AssCreed, you chose the worst?

Black Flag
Rogue if you liked Black Flag
Origins if you like Egyptology circa Ptolemaic dynasty
Odyssey if you like Hellenism studies and mythological sci-fi

People will lie and say others are worth playing but the sole value in this series is in the settings it recreates and letting you go on an adventure in them, the first few games do not hold up and Syndicate/Unity/Etc. are just bad. The four I listed hit a decent balance of passable gameplay and letting you enjoy historical fiction in a very pretty map.

Nothing can fix the modern day storyline sucking though, sorry.

III and Rogue

Brotherhood is just a better 2 except for story

Which kind of mental deficiency you have to think Valhalla is better than Odyssey?

>1 was an amazing game
boring and dull, objectively it offers nothing more than uninspired story and repetitive mission design that isn't even on the worst Hitman level

>2 and Brotherhood are the classics of the series that all the others emulated, and are solid as well.
just a sentimental opinion, very OTT games, mechanically they don't offer much, storywise only AC2 holds up thanks to dramatic story and actual growth of the main protagonist.

>Revelation and 3 were just bad. Weird settings, uninspired gameplay that was basically just 2+Brotherhood, but worse
3 is disappointing. Revelation on the other hand at least got a proper ending for both protagonists, while AC Brotherhood can be easily skipped storywise and nothing of value would be lost