Fuck this stupid hipster game. Its made for autistic people. Its so fucking boring

Fuck this stupid hipster game. Its made for autistic people. Its so fucking boring

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post more buzzwords

It's literally just mobile shit ported to a PC. There's nothing "hipster" about it. It's just low effort and exploitative.

I like it. I think the unlock curve is well done. I like trying the different special weapons. It's a comfy game to play on Downtime.

the "game" is dogshit and it's nearly feature ``````````complete'''' LMAO
I could make a better game with more items, more enemies, more charactrs, more maps, more stats, more content, more levels, more unlocks, more everything in a few hours. I could finish on a saturday afteroon easily.
shitty indie 2d pixel shit shovelware gook grinder trash

Hey, you again, are you going to post your prototype yet?

the prototype files were deleted long before vampire shitviors was even released in an alpha state on itch.io
there is nothing to post and no I won't re-create a superior game because 1. it's a waste of time and 2. it's immoral

For sure, friend.

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If you could then why don't you?

>It's just low effort and exploitative.

I mean its like 2 bucks, what were you expecting? A third person open-world RPG?

>It's just low effort and exploitative.
It's $3

We're waiting friend.

It was comfy until they introduced the golden egg and all the autistic stat farming that ensued.
And now I understand they put in a new arcana that unlocks unlimited weapon upgrades.
It just became a cookie clicker game at this point.

I already did I made a far better game long before vampire shitvior was even a concept. my game had far more content, way more and much better graphics as it wasn't indie 2d pixel garbage with stolen castlevania sprites but I realized that only a fool would play a gook grinder mindless game like this shit and deleted all of the files. it's not a good game idea, there is no genuine fun to be had. it's just a cancer made to abuse those who are easily addicted to seeing numbers going up and gambling

so what your saying is you got nothing

you are like an addict desperate for the next fix because vampire shitviors has added barely any content in months.
no, there is no game for you to play. go find one of the even more inferior clones flooding steam

couldnt win a single run?

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>gets mogged by a fangame about virtual anime girls

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>Its made for autistic people

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it's a casino game, check poncle website and you'll see he has worked on slots and such
yeah, it's boring but it's flashy so it sells

so what your saying is you didn't make anything and are just making stupid claims that you can do better


didn’t realize a $3 flash game could cause this much seething

I like the fact that it has enemy patterns from the get go, on vampire survivors only the newest boss has that mechanic

It's fun when you get good items and wreck everything but the permanent upgrades are so fucking grindy it turned me off from the game

jesus you're one desperate pathetic retard, aren't you
you can just not like a game, you know, you don't have to crusade against people liking it, it's weird

you seem very upset that I exposed how shit this game. it's like a stream of putrid, rancid diarrhea shit from your mom's ass. I could make a better game i n2-3 hours max but I won't because the whole "genre" is just gook grinding gambling addiction bait watching the numbers go UP

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I'm glad it filters normalfag tourists like yourself. You might as well have said "this is a real game for gamers only." Go back to your AAA movie games, dipshit. No one cares about your retarded opinion. Go suck off a game journalist.

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I imagine it can feel that way for new players, I've been playing it since launch so getting the upgrades gradually as they were introduced kinda softened that blow for me. Just focus on the things that really matter to begin with, Amount, Might and Magnet. The survival stuff is nice to have but most of the time not actually necessary.

I agree, golden egg and pretty much being forced to get the ice weapon and the cloak every game turned the game so shitty.


the only thing you expose is what a massive retard you are every time you shit out your "this is so immoral, I did it too, but I won't post proof because I'm better than you" take.

why would I be upset that you shared your retard-tier opinion?
good for you, little buddy, I'm sure your mom is proud of you


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>trannyposting because you're too much of a faggot to post proof of your bullshit claims

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>I could make a better game i n2-3 hours max but I won't because the whole "genre" is just gook grinding gambling addiction bait watching the numbers go UP
There is no way you're old enough to be posting on here. Go outside, make some friends, try to grow up a little.
This kind of thing should be very embarrassing for you.

blow it out of your mom's ass faggots. the game sucks dick, it's boring as fuck, it's just activating your dumb stupid monkey brain neuronns watching DA NUMBERS go up. kill yourself or go to church and study morality and how to be a good person instead of wasting your fucking life on fucking gambling of all vices

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>this 3$ game with zero microtransactions is gambling because I said so
Nice morality, retard. t. actual Christian

got all that impotent rage at people liking a game out of your system? feel better about getting filtered, now?
ok, good, now go be a 14 year old retard from a third world country somewhere else

unless you are catholic or orthodox you are not a christian

It's a good thing I am catholic then.