Go woke go broke

is nintendo going to have to move away from japan?

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Nobody is gonna have sex with you regardless.

corporations overriding federal laws. nice and dystopian

Thank God Kojima killed that chud Abe. Kishida's next.

mega cringe, lgbt employees ruined WoW
I'm cool with not having monkeypox and AIDS from furries in bathhouses thanks

I have yet to see a single viable answer as to how gay = company profit

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impotant brands don't care what Japan thinks, just look at PlayStation, all brands wanna appeal to americans.

gays have money or some shit

"Gay marriage" has always been a thing in Japanese pop culture even if it's not legally allowed. Just look at all the yaoi and yuri fiction that involves people getting "married".

lgbt employees demand it and cucked centrist leadership complies

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ESG aka fascists won't give you money otherwise.
If nintendo leaves japan then it's just as dead as sony is.
Gays have nothing because they're a minority. If they were a majority the species wouldn't be here anymore.

>You're abusing your right to free speech, Prime Minister Abe.
>Or should I say, Ex-Prime Minister.

Well, it's nice of Nintendo to offer employees in homosexual relationships the same benefits as regular married couples. What would be the point of moving away from Japan to a country where people are ready entitled to these benefits by law?

Nintendo has balls of steal to stand up to their country like that

So are you going to post this thread many more times? Should I make a filter?

fucking hell I was just reminded of this bullshit yesterday when Slack gave me a popup message for using whitelist saying we dont use that anymore use 'allowlist'.

>Gays have nothing because they're a minority.
They're a minority, but a loud one. A lot of lgbt employees demand that pozzed and woke shit.

It has to be this. Why WOULDN'T a company take Soros money if it means having all your dev costs covered?

Japan, the inventor of Yaoi. Shocking.

>lgbt employees ruined WoW
yeah, we should go back to vanilla and tbc where the bosses had 1 mechanic.

I know some tourist locations were some hotels are specializing in "LGBT tourism" and profiting with it. Gays couples usually don't have children, so they have more money to spare during vacations

This is why I don't buy fire emblem games