Nintendo fanboys review bombed Fata Morgana to prevent it from surpassing OOT

Every other outlet gave it 100

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>abhorrent post
every time

Is it good though? Never heard of it.

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Why are fansite reviews counted anyway? Will Nintendo fanboys ever criticise a mainline Nintendo game?

>review bombing
Rent free

It's a tranny game. Well, eunuch game to be perfectly honest.

Look at the reviews for amiibo festival

By this logic so is Umineko

Are you denying it is?

>Every other outlet gave it 100
Including NintendoWorldReport, but I guess mentioning that wouldn't fit to your narrative.

this should rather be on goodreads

It's not

care to elaborate a bit? on Any Forums that could mean anything from "it is literal transsexual propaganda" to "it was made by japanese people and I object to that".


It's not even the best VN, not even close.
Should show you how little these review and metacritic scores mean.

MC Michel does not have genitalia. Because of this he's raised as a girl because no penor and is petite but doesn't feel like a girl and wants to be a boy. He admires his brothers and is attracted to girls. He begs God for him to be a male and over 3 days gets a more masculine body, despite still not having penor. This causes his family to ship him away to a remote mansion by himself because witchcraft

There isn't much to elaborate on. Protogonist is a man without dick, was brainwashed into thinking he's a girl.

Fata Morgana isn't even a video game

That sounds absolutely retarded.

>visual novel

Isn't that just like most anime stuff, though?

It's implied that he's somewhat holy as angels also don't have genitals but instead of getting care he's exiled and subsequently killed for it.

If you believe in the tranime pipeline perhaps.
The short answer is no. Only an insignificant portion of anime have a protagonist with anything like such tranny-like condition. American TV features them much more.

How does he take a piss if he doesn't have any genitalia?

>a real, well designed, groundbreaking n64 game
>a shitty vn where the mc has no cock

Never explained.

Let's be fair Link is faggier than Michel.

OoT Link is a fucking handsome dude and all the ladies in the land want to hop on his dick, canonically.

Sounds awful, no wonder the average VN enjoyers love it.