Master Duel

How's your Adventure Deck user?

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What the fuck happened last thread and why did it die? It's been so long I forgot what I wanted to ask about altergeist

>only fought 1 adventure deck so far
>and i won
anons, don't leave gold

I got everything in the Adventurer engine but only one Trouble Sunny, who I actually wanted. I had to dust a lot of Magikey cards to craft the other two copies.
How garbage is pure Adventure?

very considering enchantress and rite are semi limited

>Zoodriactroon puts up a Zeus with 6 materials
>it's not even once per turn
Ok now what?

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You did get lucky with your selection pack rolls right anons?


imperm at the start of your turn
good old raigeki

>How garbage is pure Adventure?
Not even full package, as we dont have Illegal Knight yet. Pure Adventure is just Amano/Skill Drain beatdown.

>all these useless meta cancer cards
Have fun staying in gold/plat lol

>useless meta cancer
just say you want to complain and not a solution. Your deck sucks and its your fault

Ok i tried, toughs?

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>Skill Drain beatdown.
the fate of all shit decks

you will brick and you will die and you have 8 bad handtraps total going second.

then how i fix it

take the Rasca small world pill

Cut 1 Raiza and maxx c, remove snowl, add 3 D shifter

Adventure relies entirely on the Adventure token. If you can't get it out, most of the cards just won't function. Hell, magicore literally cannot attack without a token on the field for example. And the archetype has 3 equip cards that are designed to be equipped to the token, and many effects only work if the token is there.

Problem is, there's only one way to get a token on the field. Rite of Aramis. You can draw the spell yourself or use Water Enchantress' effect to banish herself and search Rite. Enchantress can search from the GY too so you can recycle Rite, but you only get 2 Enchantress' and she banishes herself so she's hard to recover.

This means that you really only have 4 total chances to create the Adventure token. If you don't get a card that leads into the token or it gets destroyed, the entire deck just dies

>Why do people say Adventure is so good then?
Adventure is only good when its a small add-on to another deck. The idea is that you play you main deck normally and if you just so happen to draw Rites or Enchantress, you can also do some Adventure stuff on the side. But its really hard to do Adventure pure. Its technically a one card combo deck but it falls apart if you can't get Rites.

>DRNM in BO1

>Adventure relies
Not true anymore with the new support. Which will come. Eventually.

I'm talking specifically about MD since this is a MD thread, but you're right too. I guess its a nice investment for later, if the game lives that long? Personally I'm looking forward to Mysterune though

>Normal summon Diviner of Herald
>opponent automatically surrenders before I even dump into my graveyard
>not even playing Drytron Herald

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>I'm looking forward to Mysterune though
Where are we on the sets? Is BODE complete?

Yeah, the last chunk of BODE/GRCR just dropped.

ritual dogmatika?

Magikey finally got support and I spent all my UR/SR material finishing the deck. Now time to drop it and start a new meme deck because I'm never satisfied

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they need to set the game to TCG banlist, jap banlist is so fucking retarded.

is mystic mine really that bad?