I fucking hate the Sonic 2 special stages. Tails ruins everything...

I fucking hate the Sonic 2 special stages. Tails ruins everything. There is not enough time to notive the bombs and move out of the way without Tails getting hit because he has a huge delay to his movement. Fuck these

Attached: S2_Special_Stage_1.png (250x219, 38.24K)

Then turn Tails off, what's the fucking problem?

Sonic does not share rings with Tails. If anything, Tails is picking up rings you mist.

Tails is one of the main gimmicks on S2. These should be playable and doable with Tails on.

Tails doesn't add anything to the gameplay in Sonic 2. He has no unique abilities and can't even go Super.

just make a friend lmoa

Then he loses both those rings and YOUR rings while increasing the total that you need. He's 100% dead weight.

First poster is right though, play with Sonic alone and the problem is solved. If you didn't ever bother to look in the options menu, you have earned your suffering.

You didn't beat the gamr

Earning the Chaos Emeralds is not a necessity for beating the game, counterpoint.

>play with tails
>he gets hit and loses rings
>play without tails
>can't get enough rings just with sonic

Well now you just need to git gud...

Tails only loses the rings he has collected himself, not yours. I hope this discussion has served to correct your course.

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Yes it is. 100% the game in the hardest setting = beating the game.

Try beating these stages with a full squad that don't move in sync in Sonic Classic Heroes. That's talent.

>>can't get enough rings just with sonic
The ring targets you need to hit are lower without Tails. It is far easier with Sonic alone (or Tails alone, I guess).

>Yes it is. 100% the game in the hardest setting = beating the game.

Attached: C45B8963-3EC4-4217-B1C3-69B18C6EB51A.jpg (965x969, 178.57K)

They are. Git gud.

It's a sad day when people use soiposts unironically, even if the point they're making is more or less valid.

Indeed, but the game also gives you higher ring targets when both of them are present, under the assumption that Tails will collect more rings and avoid losing said rings.

Attached: bullshit.jpg (468x347, 31.65K)

The ring requirement is higher if Tail's is with you.

That's what "beating" a game means: you beat all of its challenges and there's nothing else to do.