The last vidya character you played as must beat the antagonist of the last game you played

The last vidya character you played as must beat the antagonist of the last game you played

Can they do it?

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Why doesn't she wear panties?

would get in the way of the water flow.

>could player beat the boss of the last game you played
Nice thread Aquatard

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God nopan girls are so fucking hot.

Aah I mean

Can the last vidya character beat the OTHER LAST GAME you last played

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Girls in fantasy don't wear bra or panties. That's what makes it great.

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She does but made them invisible with magic so that nobody can get a pantyshot from her.

dummy! stupid aquaposter!
I think the amogus imposter might actually be able to get through Hitman which begs the question why we haven't had a game like Hitman where you play as a shapeshifting alien

Yes, most games are designed to be beatable.

I just so happened to get Snake and Hitman too, the answer is clearly yes!

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ss13 like 8 years ago had a cool antag role that was the thing/changeling from star trek, I dunno what they do now in tg-station shit code though

Oh that makes more sense. Ness would absolutely merc Xenoblade Chronicles.

Idk, could the Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 kill the final monster you fight in Sunbreak? Probably not even with mini nukes

a pilot from titanfall wil surely win against whoever the antagonist in for honor is. steel plate does not stop laser bullets.

>last game played
Mega Man 2
>last game played before that
Mega Man 1
Well, shit. I guess Mega Man does still beat Wily.

>last vidya character you played as
>antagonist of the last game you played
Crimson 1

bro same shit gonna happen

>The last vidya character you played as must beat the antagonist of the last game you played
Wouldn't rhisbbasically just be the protagonist beating the antagonist? I feel like the answer is yes in 95% of cases.
It's a no for me though, because the last game I played was Spore and I don't care to put in the effort to beat The Grox.

So the protagonist needs to be able to defeat the villain in his own game?

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>last game played
>last game before that
>Pathfinder WoTR

the Kamura hunter is strong but i don't think they got shit against actual demonic beings

Can Toon Link beat Toon Ganondorf?

Just read your follow up post
>Can [My Spore Creature] from Spore
>Thales or Edelgard or Rhea (depending on which story we're talking about) from Fire Emblem Three Hopes
It depends. Do I have my spaceship? If yes, trouble could only come from Rhea because epics don't instantly die to lasers. Still probably yes. Without the ship, the bug would likely be toast to Thales and Rhea but might beat Edelgard.

the aquatard's intention is for you to play the last game you played to check if the main character of the last game you played can beat the antagonist of the last game you played to confirm if the main character of the last game you played can beat the antagonist of the last game you played, make you play videogames basically, idiots

sex with aqua and aquaposters

>last game played
Blue Archive
>game before that
Azur Lane
Blue Archive girls use guns, Azur Lane girls are supposed to be equal to actual warships and use really big guns, so I don't think my students are going to win here. They're both weaker and they have no way to fight on the ocean.
However, Azur Lane has collab events where otherwise ordinary characters can equip riggings and fight on par with shipgirls, which implies a lot of power comes from the rigging. Additionally, shipgirls haven't shown off any superhuman ability during slice of life stories. Blue Archive students who have superhuman toughness and possibly divine bloodlines might actually stand a chance if Akashi gets them the proper gear.