Let's face it, in the case of the actual downfall of society/apocalypse ugloids women wouldn't survive...

Let's face it, in the case of the actual downfall of society/apocalypse ugloids women wouldn't survive, they'd be clubbed to death like the animals they are. The only kind of females that would thrive are cute, tiny ones that need little calories and are willing to suck your dick 4 times a day.

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I mens they'd definitely survive because everyone needs a hole

>ugloids women
We'll start with OP

If ugly women were clubbed to death then how did I knock up ur mom lmao?

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If i had to worry about survival i wouldnt fuck shit unless it was a 10, too much energy wasted

Ugly women still get simps. This thread is garbage either way.

Nothing will amaze me more then how mad this photo made Any Forums

What's your excuse for being a virgin now then? Your life isn't on the line. Retard.

>1 rok temu


What's with this recent trend of you subhumans coping with being laughed at by pretending the ones laughing at you are angry?

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its the usual cope after realizing they paid for canned shit, zoomers are getting more vulnerable to manipulation each day

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>they'd be clubbed to death like the animals they are.

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holy shit it's another epic "muh ugly wimminz in gamez" thread. We've only had 500000000 today. Why do you even care about horizon? The board said the first game was SJW trash and now the board is mad the sequel is the same.

Aloy is an outcast anyways. She doesn't need no man's help. I've known several older ladies through work who could hold their own in a fight. My ex manager at Rite Aid could probably snap some twink in half.

Uhhhh no sweaty. Even the strongest woman alive is weaker than the weakest man alive

Do you know what area could always use more cooks?

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Anime twig man would get destroyed.

Selective Service for women only

I take comfort for knowing in the future they will forever use this time period as a case study for why women should never be allowed to have rights.