Mech legs

Why do so many mechs have bird legs?
Does it offer any advantage over human legs?

Attached: walker_mech.jpg (913x1150, 336.26K)

Are those smoke tubes on the legs? Isn't it a bad idea to have them there

What's faster, an ostrich or a person

mechs are pretty impractical anyways so who gives a shit
though thick leg designs are cooler

Attached: bogatyr legs.jpg (1600x1200, 459.27K)

Attached: hind_limb_comparative_anatomy.jpg (1500x713, 301.49K)


Ostrich can run like 70Km/h and fastest humans can run 40Km/h


I would say it's to protect the joint and center the hefty weight of the front-facing armor in the middle of the leg cross-section. But there's another joint relatively exposed directly above it, so what do I know

Because they are better than human legs

Attached: leggo.jpg (526x526, 60.28K)

they are way more efficient

Human legs are bird legs. The heel corresponds to the joint just below the knee in the picture.


You just know...?

I always walk around on the ball of my feet when I walk around. Am I autistic?

Attached: 640px-Toe_Walking_in_Autism_1.jpg (640x480, 127.56K)

Bird legs: faster
Human legs: stabler
Real reason: looks exotic / cool. Digitigrade or plantigrade legs arise due to evolutionary pressures. If you're making a robot with whatever materials, actuators, and electronic controls you want, you could make legs look quite varied and not be constricted by which animals use what.

>$200/week in 1910
>$5,904/week in 2022
>$23k a month
women really do play on easy mode

Attached: images (1) (1).jpg (130x148, 6.23K)

that's all from whore work I'm sure

but then what's than on the top?

Those are spikey knee pads.

>mech without a hand
why wouldn't you want the ability to lift and move shit, to punch shit and to pull yourself?

or to throw shit
or to use weapons you can discard
