Armored Core bros, we rise

Armored Core bros, we rise.

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any day now...

the series fromsoftware forgot

What's the best game to play if I've only played 4A?

Thank god, a new armored core, I hope fromsoft really gets to push the game to new heights with all their experience from their other projects.

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different composers and artists yet they always manage to contain a soundtrack that's weird and so fucking good(weirdgood?), how do they do it

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>all their experience from their other projects.
can't wait for dark souls with mechs

>dark souls with mechs
The pure salt mine from AC fags when this happens will be biblical

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did take a bunch of concepts from dark souls and apply them to armored core.

A continuous or open world with multiplayer drop in seems likely. I don't know if they'd want to stick with the previous mission based format.

Elden ring shows that they can make an open world where a casual player picks up the game clears out an area or fights a boss, adding that to armored core might make it more far reaching for what's typically been a very niche series.

The sci-fi action rpg series to dark souls fantasy.

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How can you guys be excited. No serious, how the hell can you be excited for a new Armored Core? Specifically Armored """Core"""" because all these motherfuckers want is Armored """""Souls"""""" and I'm tired of hearing these fake fans pretend like they've been playing Armored Core for years and say dumb shit like "Armored Core already controls like Souls games" because it does not. It fucking does not. Soul games are slow as fuck and Armored Core is fast and jumpy.

If this so-called new Armored Core game is really just Armored Souls I will lose all hope for humanity. Seriously fuck Souls fags for ruining everything.

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If they release a dark souls with mechanical armor I will preorder it. It's exactly what I want.

I want dark souls 6: Armored core because I enjoyed dark souls 5:elden ring and dark souls 4:sekiro

the only thing I want is an AC 1-3/4 collection on PC and maybe modern consoles with customizable controls. The biggest filter is the fucking control scheme being hot creamy dog vomit.

AC was slow and clunky until 4 (or was it 4a?) when they went from ravens to nexts and everyone was a mecha Kirito

tried out emulating armored core 2 as an introduction to the series last night and the controls filtered me. I think I'll try it again tonight

>AC was slow and clunky until 4
literally not an AC fan because there are fast builds pre-4

Miyazaki is sick to death of Souls games and wants Armored Core back and as president of the company, gave this Armored Core project a huge budget.

Armored Core is quite frankly getting relaunched as a franchise again with this.

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Bear in mind you can change the controls.

And they were largely outclassed by a heavy legs or tank type with a laser blade who could use that to dodge. Enjoy getting killed by 3 hits of a cluster bomb/missile

Was it an rpg?
What was their equivalent of strength vs dex and int vs faith? And magic vs melee vs items vs bows?

All three of the PS1 titles.

I only hope they ditch the "pick a side" bullshit from the later games. I liked it better when I was a heartless raven working for anyone who would pay.

Also they need to remember: Make it feel like we're building a mech, not a PC.

its got better dakka then whatever the fuck mechwarrior 5 was using. how can have a giant fuckin stompa but the best you can offer me is a shitty machinegun for it. at least ac lets you run two chainguns even if they are shit tier.

Armored Souls: Dark Core

It's gonna be sweet

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>I only hope they ditch the "pick a side" bullshit from the later games

Literally what is Chrome vs. Murakumo

Two more weeks...

Speaking of Chrome, I hope it has Chromehounds style multiplayer.

You guys do understand that they will redesign the game so the new audience Will buy the game?