He bent the knee to troons

>He bent the knee to troons

Nerrel bros...


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Other urls found in this thread:


Reply to this post to kill OP's mom in her sleep

Im too lazy to find a picture of a slowpoke

replying to your post and bumping op's thread in turn to kill you in your sleep

Reply to this post to protect OP's mom in her sleep, even though he's a huge faggot.

Not video games.

It was very clear he was pozzed in the Star Wars and Trials of Mana video


why not OP himself?

Bumping a reply to kill OPs mom and the user who wants OPs mom dead.

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Have you actually seen ANY of his/her/their/xim/xer/xeir videos? It was tranny defense every 5 minutes, especially at parts where he comments about "the themes and characters of this game were transphobic/etc by today's standards".

stopped caring about his opinion after the Village's review

Why does this happen? Is it discord? Autism?


It's called grooming.

I always knew this guy had "annoying motherfucker" written all over him


i get it if you think hollow knight is overhyped, and I thank nerrel for turning me on to moonbase alpha, but to put something like Blasphemous above HK is just odd to me. It's like we have completely different standards for what a metroidvania should be. Like one of the best features in HK is having to find the map guy for each area, you get to wander around totally lost and desperate in an area it feels like you're not supposed to be in yet. How is that anything but a positive for the point of the genre?

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Nerrel was literally only good for making MM better and nothing else. Defending star wars 8 and shitting on hollow knight is cool and all, but everything else from him is pure fucking trash. He's just another one of those autists that doesn't really know what his strengths are, which are clearly editing and art, but the only opinion piece of value from him was MM3D solely because he fully understands what makes MM so perfect, he lacks that level of understanding for just about anything else.

he was pretty non partisan about it to be fair

Anyone who eve mentions that hot piece of garbage to do anything other than shitting on it is not worth listening to
>trying to play a videogame
>it can't stop trying to tell you how cool poly relationships are
The average Any Forums seether would have an aneurysm if he realized how woke that game is.

Is that Nerrel??

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why are americans' minds filled with nothing but ecelebs and trannies?

porn addiction


seriously is there a single person in a poly relationship that isn't mentally ill and miserable? Polygamy? Now that's a different story.

>youtube celeb who mods videogames and makes videos with shitty reddit takes and likes star wars sequels is a massive SJW tranny lover

Yeah, I didn't agree with his take at all
>you can stumble into hard areas before you're supposed to be there
Yeah, that's cool. It makes the map feel more alive.
>there's a monetary system, and that's bad, because it's not like Super Metroid
Don't know where to even begin with that shit.

Oh no I am so upset

Oh it's great he brought that up in this video, had me go unwishlist timespinner as a result.

His videos on motion controls are great as well but yeah, that's about it.

>monotone literal-who faggot
Eat a dick, retard.

>eceleb shit
fuck off

can't believe Mauler bullied him si hard to turn him into a tranny


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rip in pieces OP's mom

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His Hollow Knight opinion is based though.

This plus anyone that's ever made an e-celeb thread if I roll a 6.