Has any female villain been able to top her in terms of pure sinister energy? This bitch was legitimately scary

Has any female villain been able to top her in terms of pure sinister energy? This bitch was legitimately scary.

Attached: dahlia-hawthorne-ace-attorney.gif (498x370, 1.63M)

>Villain is literally just a woman
>She is absolutely horrifying
What did they mean by this?

No male villain has either

Monaca from Danganronpa

I think it's the fact despite all the AA over the top stuff you just know there are some crazy bitches out there that act exactly like this exploiting their "innocent" image to do awful things


fuck off

All women do this

I’d argue one of the female villains from DR Another 2, but mentioning her name is spoilers, so….

Asami Yamazaki

“You are paralysed. You can't move, but your nerves are alive. That way, your skin becomes very sensitive to pain.”

Attached: autdc-owxce.gif (268x150, 1.49M)

you've been topped

Is AA worth getting into?
Clussy fever

here for clussy fever

As someone who has it as their favorite series of all time? Yeah, huge recommend to anyone.
The quality has a noticeable drop once Yamazaki takes over (AAI duology alongside games 5 and 6) in my opinion but even at its worst Ace Attorney is still decent. Just heads up that if you're in for the clowngirl she only shows up in the last game.

What games are essential? Is starting with the trilogy on 3DS fine

yes, only the first 3 games are essential
if you feel hungry for more after that, continue
but the series really peaks at aa1-3

All of them. The best order is this
>Phoenix Wright
>Justice for All
>Trials and Tribulations
>Apollo Justice
>Investigations 2
>Dual Destinies
>Spirit of Justice
You can play the other games (Great Ace Attorney and the Layton crossover) pretty much whenever.

I'd say the steam version is better for the trilogy as it fixes some animation erros i experienced with the 3DS version, the original DS release is also pretty good if you feel like emulating that.
As for essential games, i'd say the best thing to do is just play them in order of release and maybe check out the spinnoffs if you feel like it. I might not be a huge fan of it as i feel the game drags out for way too long, but AAI2 is really popular all around so i recommend at least giving it a try along with the first game to see if you end up enjoying it.

Her sister is a sweetheart though

>What games are essential
The main series, through all its highs and lows, should definitely be played. The Investigations and Great Ace Attorney spin-offs are completely optional and kind of shit.

She isn't even the biggest villain in AA. Arguably Debeste's father is much, much worse