Dark Souls is complete garbage

I installed it after beating Sekiro twice because same dev and it's a complete joke of a game. Sekiro was annoying at times but even at it's worst it wasn't even close to being this bad. This "game" is just made to be a timesink
>can't teleport between idols
>have to walk for 20 minutes and dodge/fight 50 enemies to retry a boss fight
>everything looks like fucking shit
>music is boring
>random obnoxious snoring outside of main idol
>all areas outside of the first undead castle are complete cancer,
>1) dark (you literally cant see) shithole with 50 homing missile skeleton enemies that take 20 hits to die and give you 100 xp
>2) gay garden with trees that have an unblockable (this shit game doesn't warn about unblockables LOL) vore attack that instakills you
>3) gay garden part 2 with an unkillable rapid fire 2 hits to kill you water snake enemy and a dead end locked door (this game is full of doors that dont open)
The boss fights are also cheap trash
>1) second boss is a fucking duo that you can only beat if you have enough stamina to stunlock one to death before the other one jumps on you
>butterfly boss that is just spam dodge roll and spam projectiles that do 10 damage for 30 minutes

Seriously though. Where's the challenge? Farming levels? Taking 50 years to retry every boss fight? Not being able to teleport? So the challenge is just: how much time are you willing to waste on this boring, drab and empty world. The fact that there are people who think this is game of the decade is terrifiying to me. And i hear the second game is even worse. Jesus. How pathetic. I have no idea how the same dev that made Sekiro is responsible for this embarrassment.

Attached: frog fuck you.jpg (500x483, 33.21K)

OP is... le bad

Man you're cool. I wish I was cool enough to go on an anonymous imageboard and tell everyone how much I don't like thing.

Man you're a faggot. I thank God i'm not gay enough to go on an anonymous imageboard and tell everyone how upset i am about someone else being upset about a shitty game all in a very passive aggressive reddit way.

Oh man, now you're letting everyone know how much you don't like me? That's crazy dude you're baller asf my guy frfr. Can you take me under your wing and show me how to be a real bad*ss mothertrucker such as yourself?

Are you an actual faggot, or just pretending?

>Note to self: Being cool means being angry and hating things and saying faggot a lot to let everyone know how totally not gay you are
Thanks, bruv, I'm learning a lot 'ere I am I am. I can tell this is just the surface of cooldom, though. Please, keep going.

This is all true and well put
but you posted the frog so go fuck yourself

who asked

me. I asked.

OP is no white.

I can tell you're not trolling but just genuinely insecure and suck at video games by how you are responding to everyone

>No vitality
>He blocks

Op is insecure? not the replies which address anything but the points in the op? souls fans are lower than trash

>I use Twitter to harass people who disagree with me
>Please post your twatter handle and I'll meet you there

Get a life

>frog poster
>retarded opinion
Checks out

Who are you quoting? Who are you arguing with? Why did you link to a random post that has nothing to do with what you said?

Yes i block. I heard this game being jerked off as "superior to Sekiro" because it has """"""multiple playstyles"""""" so choosing to do something that isnt roll spam should work fine.

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>Criticize a game
>Some faggot starts crying and throwing a tantrum about the bare fact that you said something negative and doesn't address anything you criticized
Every time

You didn't, I was there, you just stood there quiet and didn't say anything, you're lying

>Why aren't people taking my opinions seriously!?
>Don't they know how important I am!?
>Don't they know how much I matter!?

This applies equally to your whining so take your own advice and fuck off.

cool opinion op now fuck off

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