What video games do black men like?

What video games do black men like?

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Imagine the shame you could never let down being that girl, life ruined forever

Why couldn't that be me? I would have been happier if I could have sex

That is somebody’s daughter.

rainbow six


You only think sex would make you happier
The vast majority of people have sex and yet everyone is miserable just like you

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sex havers are objectively less miserable then incels

she'll find some poor sap to lie to and settle down with lol. all women lie about their sexual past

women dont care about racism as long as its from a guy who is fucking her

Why Do People Type Like This? It Is So Much Fucking Effort

Women lie about everything in general.

sf5/tekken/mortal kombat

Blacks are to narcissistic to ever understand these women have a degradation fetish
Its degrading to be with a nigger

I like fighting games and jrpgs. My favorite game is wind waker.

..so tiny

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Men having sex GOOD! Women having sex BAD!


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that girl tried to claim they raped her but there are a bunch of videos proving she begged them to fuck her

FIFA, NBA or latest generic shooter.


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Legit bainlet
Men have to compete to actually have sex
Women select who they have sex with

A guy that gets laid alot is ussually someone that has alot going on for him (good career etc.)
A women that fucks alot is bad at selection, she just says yes to alot of guys.
How are people so stupid they don't understand the difference

You only think that because Stacy didnt pay attention to you, you will never have principles.