Guns are only cool in video games. The reason being we get to play with cool and useful shotguns, SMGs, pistols...

Guns are only cool in video games. The reason being we get to play with cool and useful shotguns, SMGs, pistols, revolvers, etc. In real life everything has been replaced with automatic rifles. Warfare is soulless now.

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>shotguns, SMGs, pistols, revolvers
user, you can own these in real life still

warfare was dominated by Spear aka the most soulless weapon of all time so no, it was always soulless

Why are there so many guns anyway?
Humans and animals and stuff are pretty fragile. How many different ways do you need to be able to shoot a piece of metal out of a bigger piece of metal?

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if you have to ask, then there's no point in explaining it to you

You used to need SMGs for close quarters in buildings for example, but now they just figured "make the assault rifle a little smaller". So a game like Ready or Not features like 15 rifles and 3 outdated SMGs that no one uses anymore.

Warfare? Yeah.

Fortunately there's plenty more occasions to draw a gun, and the choice of gun is yours.

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>Guns are only cool in video games
That's where you're wrong faggot

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>warfare is soulless now
lmao even

Yes, Bolt Action weapons should be more powerful than a semi automatic ones
Yes, Revolvers should be more powerful than even a sniper rifle
Yes, a shotgun should be the most useful weapon up close
Yes, SMGs should outperform every AR in close quarters

Generals, politicians, gun manufacturers, make warfare more like video games!

>muh rifles are so kewl
snooze.they're boring and they're all the same. There was a time when soldiers brought fucking flamethrowers to war, do you realize that?

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Google what happened to the dudes carrying them hahahahahahahahahha

urban warfare
crowd control

every single weapon has its own niche. you would have thought that handguns would have become obsoleted by now, but they still have their uses.

Fun fact, flamethrower fuel tanks never exploded.

You're retarded if you think gears of war esque weakpoints on their backs is what killed over half of the men who walked slowly towards their enemy pouring fuel on them
Nerd retard

>who walked slowly towards their enemy pouring fuel on them
user, I...
The fuel lasted for just few seconds. It was meant for destroying bunkers and fortifications.

then how come many war veterans keep telling stories about some unlucky son of a bitch going up in flames?

Hard doubt
Spears were just as incapable of piercing armor as blades or arrows
They had an advantage when in a formation but for mercenaries and fighters not part of the regular army a sword or a mace was much more versatile than a spear

Read a history book sometime. Literally any of them.

Yes? Most of them depict warriors using swords
There is way more extensive literature on swords, swordfighting, swordsmithing and all sorts of sword related topics than spears and spearfighting

We still get new iterations of what you listed, user. Popular old variations of them haven't entirely disappeared either. Rifles have always been the primary arm of any military just as polearms were for medieval times, but they aren't that elusive do-it-all arm every military has been dying to create just yet.

damn you are so fucking retarded it hurts. Someone with a spear wins against a swordsman 100% of the time

Underage or European thread

He doesn't know about he Roman cohorts LOL