Enemy has no other purpose to exist than to be an annoying little shit to the player

>enemy has no other purpose to exist than to be an annoying little shit to the player

Attached: fly.png (504x362, 258.88K)

i think it has a purpose to remove trash and decomposing shit but youre too fucking stupid for that

can you explain mosquitos please

t. annoying shit-eating fly

food source for animals

I wonder who's behind this post

food for other animals and pollinators

they pollinate and are food for other animals. and its actually only the females they suck your blood when theyre spawning

People always say "actually this creature is needed because other animals eat them so appreciate that they exist" but those animals can just find new food sources. We don't *have* to preserve every single species, some should just go extinct. To be desu.

Flies eat all the dead shit and literal shit
They're just food

thanks anons. very informative. can you now explain monkeypox?

Attached: fly-insect.gif (480x360, 2.95M)

Population control :^)

>comes into your house
>eats animal corpse you didn't know was there
>refuses to elaborate

Attached: flesh_fly.png (770x558, 432.28K)

Most mosquitoes don't even go for human blood.

>npcs can wear faction armor

Attached: Hoverfly.jpg (1000x750, 575.03K)

kill animals so they dont overpopulate

do we taste that bad

>Yes goyim, the spiders are evil. Smash them all!

a result of us subsidizing poor niggers in africa to the tune of a billion? pretty minor disease though why do you care

If mosquitoes disappeared tomorrow who the fuck would miss them?

t. chinese 'emperor'

>he doesn't know

Attached: file.png (1280x1807, 2.27M)

>does nothing but kill and eat
>kills and eats members of own species
>kills and eats the male after mating
>is a soulless monster
>the cute eye "pupil" is fake
>it pretends to be cute but really is just a monster
Kill it with fire!

Attached: 1631368648062.jpg (1280x720, 75.85K)

>comes into your house
>makes a dusty web easy to remove
>kills every single insects it can find
>kills every single arachnoid up to 3 times larger than itself
>hides under your bed to hunt for campers
>can't hurt you
Literally god-tier.

Attached: cellar spider.png (1136x852, 1.17M)


Look Mao, nobody likes mosquitoes, but they are a food source for birds and insects. If given the chance, I'd eradicate all wasps, despite it probably fucking up the ecosystem somehow.

Dragon flies in elden ring were very aids

all wasps yeah but we could probably kill hornets or most parasitoids and have very little fallout

They never leave though.

Post webm of one flipping out in some factory as sparks are flying at it.
Spiders freak me out, but daddy long legs or harvester or whatever they are called I tolerate and they don't spook me.