Gonna cry, casul? :)

Gonna cry, casul? :)

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Ornstein and Smough isn't hard if you kill the fatty first

I replayed dark souls earlier this year for the first time since launch and I was DREADING these guys because of what a hard time they gave me originally.
I don't know if I just had a better build or got better at games since the original release but I killed them in 2 tries.
Would have been the first try but I got gang banged on a pillar.

I have a bow and 999 arrows.

>Souls games aren't hard

ez pz


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>guys people liked ornstein and smough
>lets make every boss ornstein and smough

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My first playthrough of DS1 I played a zero poise dex/int character. Got my ass kicked for the whole early game, then at O&S my build came together and I trivialized them with superior DPS and ranged attacks. The rest of the game was a formality sans the DLC.

what were they fuckign thinking?

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Man is this 2012 again? Because O&S are pretty easy in comparison to a lot of bosses that came after in the series.

>die to quelagg 20+ times
>drop O&S first try
I guess not?

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they are so easy and slow after you beat ds3

Why the fuck do people keep drawing Ornstein gold-colored? He's silver/gray! He just looks gold-ish because of the lighting in that arena. How can someone be talented enough to illustrate something like this, but also too fucking blind to see what color a character's armor is?

I could see not struggling to O and S I guess but I thought they were tough my first time. You died to quelaag though? goddamn man

>Summons Solaire
Not when I've got my boy
>You didn't beat the boss
Don't care, won with my boy and that's all that matters

Honestly phase 2 super Smough is such a fucking SHIT boss I wish they just forced Ornstein to power up 100% of the time.
Smough isn't even hard it's just annoying.

Because we've learned the mechanics and gained experience.

>You died to quelaag though?
a lot of players at that point of the game do shit damage and have few heals. it can be one of the harder fights in the game if you are in that camp

Not even hard because both these dudes like walking

This fight forever separated the From fans and From haters

>not getting the best weapon in the game

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I always find it interesting and gratifying to hear the different bosses people had trouble with.