Attached: outlast.jpg (1280x720, 97.47K)

>let's burn pretty girls just because they're pretty
Only christianity did this. No other religion did.
Yea it's bad.

outlast isn't about Christianity it is about americans

Christianity does suck. So does pretty much every other religion. The only thing seperating major religions from cults is that big religions are seen as more socially acceptable because of their status in society.

its true just like every religion

how do people unironically think like this


If you sell your soul for a pretty face, you deserve to burn.

Yes, it is

oh so that's why christians sell theirs for niggers

This thread surely isn't bait, designed to instigate the stupidest regurgitated comments on Any Forums right now.

are we just posting random facts now? water is wet

So how about the game. Did anyone really enjoy the chases in Outlast, and is anyone looking forward to the next one that has co-op. Personally, I've been meaning to check out the first one since I got it for free, but everyone just talks about the shocking material instead of the actual hide n' seek bullshit, so it hasn't been a high priority

Do something about it then

>The Christians were victims of some super duper MKULTRA shit that drove them murderously insane and all evidence points to them be isolationist but pleasant before said MKULTRAing
>Christianity bad tho

Fun fact there was audio in the files of Jessica being raped but it wasn't put in the game because it would've given the game an AO rating and would've gotten the game banned in some countries

that's not very fun at all

Name one girl who didn’t deserve it.

>>let's burn pretty girls just because they're pretty

Attached: ewrgrge.png (938x936, 1.11M)

Yeah, other religions would stone or behead pretty girls instead.

That's infinitely less painful.
I mean beheading isn't painful to begin with.