Hasn't posted about random celebrities in 3 days

>hasn't posted about random celebrities in 3 days
did we genuinely piss him off?

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I don't know what this "we" business is. It was some buttfuck retarded newspaper that did it.

Looks like he has retreated to his Hideout

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He's not going to reveal his next target. He's like the Japanese Joker, he wants to make everyone think they might be next.

>reporter believes random source without any evidence or doing 30 seconds of research on their own to get the right answer
How is journalism an actual job?

I hope so

news sites operate on
1. clicks so fastest articles win, no time to fact check
2. google search algorithm maxing so every article just copypastes each others because of keyword overlap

if youre retarded blame Any Forums. if youre midwit blame journos. if youre enlightened blame GOOGLE

I mean probably. He's super anti-war and pro-peace. He doesn't find murder funny unlike that evil bastard Sam Hyde who must be stopped

Punished Hideo

He is now planning his strand type assassination of the US president.

Journalism is basically a meme. People listen to them, because they act like they have credibility, and ride on the shoulders of past journalists who may have had credibility. That's all it is.

he'll have a lot of time to come to terms with it in prison.

>just blame the technology for people being morons
I don't see why I should.

Do i get banned for making a "kojima killed abe" joke? testing

it's honestly his fault for posing in font of a picture of a marxist revolutionary and wearing commie gear then posting it on the internet.

>Sam Hyde gets memed as shooter
>He gets actually in trouble and his career takes a setback
>Ahah funny meme man
>Worthless moviegame hack gets memed as shooter
"Allegedly" and "possibly" are the magic words
I hope Kojimbo actually wastes his money and can't fund his next movieshit

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Hes waiting for the monthly microsoft paycheck to arrive.

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It was on national greek television.


>l'extreme gauche tué...

Never understood why Sam never sued for defamation. Pretty clear cut lawsuit.
>gets full name and face put on news saying you killed children
Uh, yea, think I'll get my money