HOW. How can I lose?? I'm smarter, I'm BETTER. You're just a bunch of losers licking each other's wounds...

HOW. How can I lose?? I'm smarter, I'm BETTER. You're just a bunch of losers licking each other's wounds. HOW CAN A PIECE OF SHIT WHO LIVES IN AN ATTIC DEFEAT ME? WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT I DON'T?????

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I have best girl.

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Is that Light?


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>I'm smarter
Doesn't realize that he was outnumbered 4+ to one

Man this guy is really smart. After he is finished cleaning our parents blood from his clothes let's beg Him to join our team .

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>His plan of whatever + years was foiled because he wanted breakfast

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pretty much but if light was written by the average death note fan (no real scheme or melodrama, you're just told he's smart and you have to believe it)

Its because I am not a rehash of the villain with the same name and same shtick right down to the same plot twist from litteraly the prior game.

Who the FUCK greenlit remaking Adachi andrenaming him "Akechi" instead.


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uh fuckin idiot even if you have 180 IQ
there's like five of us i think
we count up to at least 200 IQs

Such feminine hands

>interpretive dance

no wonder the game didnt do so well

Even without the PT he was fucked, Shido had his number

>P4AU has edgelord villain whose whole deal is "friendship bad"
>despite being over the top coldsteel tier cringe, he actually manages to illustrate a good point about how concern for one's friends can be a handicap
>manages to drive Yu "Chad Thundercock" Narukami into a corner by knocking out Chie and Yosuke, then forcing Yu to defend them
>Yu can't dodge attacks, he has to block in order to protect his friends, and as a result he's slowly beaten down
>the "friendship bad I don't need anyone reeeeeeee" shit is still cringe, but you can see why this character believes it, and he's competent enough to provide credible evidence for his retarded philosophy

>P5 has edgelord villain whose whole deal is "friendship bad"
>he willingly enters into a 1v8 fight then is confused as to why he got curbstomped
>but he's hot and he reminds people of a good character in a decent anime so people write essays about how he's so deep and well-realized

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his plan was stupid anyway

>his whole character was that he thinks of and portrays himself as a 100 iq genius when he's really a 10 iq retard
>everyone close to him but Sae figured him out

Nah, Akechi was a total fraud and that was the point. The only crimes he'd managed to solve were ones he himself had set up, and in the end he was outsmarted by a gaggle of retards and their asshole cat. He's a walking example of the Dunning–Kruger effect.

>portrays himself as a 100 iq genius when he's really a 10 iq retard
He is genuinely smart. He's able to come up with a way to cheese Sae's Palace while everyone else knows fuckall what to do. It's just that the PT's IQ somehow skyrockets to 250 during the reveal.

Strega was like that too. They got surprised every time SEES beat them when there's only 3 of them at most.

He's smarter and stronger than the main characters to a point where it doesn't even make sense. This dude was somehow able to solo palaces years before the main characters even knew what a persona was without any help.

>He is genuinely smart
>incapable of actually solving crimes, just drives people nuts with the metaverse power and then "solves" the case after
>tries to big brain Shido but is easily dispatched by an automated contingency
>can't outsmart the PT
>gets into a fight when vastly outnumbered and is baffled when he loses instead of retreating and formulating a new strategy
If his smartest feat was being good at gambling in a fake casino he's not much of a genius

So was this dude gay or not?