How's your huntin' going

How's your huntin' going.

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This is what I was able to make with that and I'm even missing some lv4 decorations lmao
The Defense Boost is filler until I get a Power Prolonger Lv4 decoration and Focus is probably filler until I make Wirebug Whisperer
Kamura axe for extra slots and cause it was easy to make

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Fought the gorilla then got bored

Just killed Lunadagon, damn fun fight

anyone playing on switch?

damn the gore magala fight is awesome.

Yeah. I probably wouldn't be playing Risebreak as much if I couldn't pick it up whenever. Am I insane or did they actually jack up the saturation on the switch version? I'm not complaining, it looks way better than base Rise.

Wish I hadn't rushed through to the final boss just for the sake of not getting spoiled, but here we are. Endgame is meh, I appreciate how they revamped the lower tier monsters from Rise to be more interesting but there's still just something missing... maybe I'm just burnt out on monhun but I feel like I need more carrot on the end of the stick. Hopefully the title updates are cool like in Iceborne

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Well, I got a quick sheathe 3 deco with one level 2 slot. Think I'm set for life.

does offensive guard trigger with the swaxe counter or what

thats a moth bro

You make it sound like rushing through the game isn't super easy.
I started the game a week late on the switch and I only play it a little bit a day and I'm MR 31.

Just got myself a Magna Bow and god damn these blast procs are great. Thinking of getting 3 Astalos pieces for Chain Crit but no idea how worth it would be since it boosts raw+elemental and not status.

>he doesn't complete every quest before moving on to the next urgent
Absolutely disgusting.

Zinogre sluts are too powerful.

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>I only play it a little bit a day
bro if you started a week late and you're MR 31 then you played minimum like 5 hours a day for the past 4 days

Having fun. Fuck Magma Almudron.

That sounds right, I guess my definition of a little bit a day is skewed since I used to put 16 hour days into games back when I was uneployed for a bit.

>trap posting

How do you unlock the afflicted quests for the Great -ggis? I need some Afflicted Pelts

Correct, I just beat the required amounts to rush to end game, get endgame tier gear and then rip through all of the earlier quests.

The game apologized to me after 15 zinogre hunts for a single skymerald running two gather palicos and trap master
>run hr narwha
>get thunder orb in a hunt that was already finished second try
>go to allmother next
>get allmother orb first try
>go mr allmother
>get both orb AND mantle first try
This was, like, in 30 minutes.

>you have to fight shitmon to get the best water and fire SA
remove almudron and magmadron please