When a series shits the bed

>take a sci-fi testosterone driven macho military shooter about brotherhood and kicking grub ass with the boys
>turns it into SHE/HER story

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I dont even fucking know why they do it at this point. Do they really think their man demographic is girls? Girls as a gamer demographic is already low because usually they have better shit to do in their lives then sit in computer chairs and watch a screen but fuck me why cant men have any hobbies or niche groups or game series or fucking anything for themselves, i gurantee maybe fucking 10 women in the whole world played this game. And half of them only played it because their boyfriend did or they streamed it with their cleavage out

feminism is kino af ngl bros

Tiktok motherfucker. And I'm not talking about the chinese spyware app.

The pendulum is swinging now where the males are going to be the ones opressed and back and forth.

just say you're an incel next time

From what I heard actually Gears did have a surprising number of female fans but of course this isn't anywhere near enough to justify what they did to the identity of the series. I honestly would have rather they went in that direction some were speculating with the first trailer of the fourth game. That it would take a more survival horror route and you'd be facing these beast type of creatures instead of facing the "lol not locust but totally locust" enemies you face now. They also should have put it on another planet setting in many years into the future away from the events of the original trilogy of games. Such a missed opportunity honestly. The multiplayer could have even stayed the same as always but at least the single player could have been way more interesting than this crap.

Played it purely for the Laura Bailey voice.
The story is shit though

They don't give a shit about what men want anymore, user. A bunch of fat bulldike feminists make decisions now and they're doing everything in their power to piss off the male gaming demographic. They think it's funny to demoralize you.

Gears 6 will be a return to form. Just you wait and see, Snoy chuds!!!

This is what happens when redditors pick female in every create a char game

The series was already stagnant, they offloaded it to B tier devs who just keep copy pasting the original. That's why you get that crowbcat video. These devs are completely out of ideas and have no creativity whatsoever, so "the same game but it's a girl now" is the only thing they have left to possibly get any interest.

So of course it just gets pushed aside by battle royale games which are actually creative and new.

>Finally, the DARK ORIGINS of the monsters that come up from the ground!
>They were.....monsters that come up from the ground all along
Holy f*cking shit didn't see that one coming.....

>the trilogy collection was fake
just bury this fucking series already fuck everyone involved

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But how were the locust able to time their entry into empty rooms to match exactly with the Gears' own entry into those rooms?

I hated the semi-open world structure. It ruined the pacing and I'll probably never play it again because of that even though I replayed 1-3 how many times. Being stuck in one area for hours kills the sense of adventure the older games had, especially 2 and 3, going from new locale to new locale. The new enemies just aren't as fun to fight and don't have as much variety as classic locust anyways. Whoever decided robots belonged as a major enemy factions in GOW shall boil in piss inshallah

I was always ok with the Locust just being orcs, don't why they felt the need to make them into the clones from FEAR.
You're telling me these fuckers could breed billions in 80 years, create their empire, weaponry, livestock/war beasts, religion, culture, all while being anally raped by the Lambent?

Its still at least in a lot better position than Halo is.

>Are the Locust orcs?
>Neanderthals that got turned into monsters by living underground and being exposed to imulsion for thousands of years?
>A remnant of some alien species?
>Nah lmao they're just super soldiers gone wrong
How fucking lame

>The pendulum is swinging now where the males are going to be the ones opressed and back and forth.

The Western world is likely to soon experience massive civil unrest and poverty due to inflation, the fallout from Ukraine, and misguided Green polices. Actual war with Russia, if it happens, will make things 10x worse (even though the aforementioned Green policies will be shelved) leading to unprecedented bouts of anarchy. In such times women will have a lower status than they've had since the first half of the 20th century.

>British politics
>Shinzo got fucking assassinated
>Biden is clearly breaking down
>The economy is fucked
>Ukraine vs Russia is getting worse
>Mexico has their manlet version of Biden
>The country is divided like never before
Holy fuck

This, why the fuck could they not just be aliens?
The fucking hilarious part Is her shit is just the first chapter and then the plot thread gets dropped for the reunion tour in Afghanistan

The story was about her connection to the Myrrah as her granddaughter and gave us a lot of explanation of what the Locust truly were. In no way was Gears 5 some retard feminist woke power fantasy. The worst character in the new Gears games is Del anyways, it's hilarious how the choice between him and JD was presented like it was difficult to choose in anyway.

>gears ends nicely on 3
>continue using the series name as is instead of gears: subtitle 1, 2, 3, etc.

>The story was about her connection to the Myrrah as her granddaughter and gave us a lot of explanation of what the Locust truly were
Here's the thing: did anyone actually care about what the Locust were? Most just accepted the fact that they were humanoid monsters, nothing more and nothing less. The same with Myrrah, at most i thought she was just a psychic from the Hope facility that got dumped into Locust territory so she could end up dying.