Why did AVGN decline in popularity?

Why did AVGN decline in popularity?

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Because he's a retard

no im not watching your video you turbofag

>6 fucking hours
jesus christ these youtube essays are autism incarnate

Because zoomers only watch fortnite streamers and millineals are too busy working to pay for their $3000 studio apartments

Newt won

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>6 hours
how retarded do you have to be to even consider making shit like this

why was Any Forums shilling this guy constantly anyway? is it because he's an oldfag?
I took a look at a single video of his and it was incredibly boring

Shortly after episode 100 the writing changed. Episodes were still good at first but after Christmas Wishlist #2 it got worse.

what are some comfy gaming channels would you recommend such as pic related?

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>brief retrospective
>6 hours
James is a soda-brained lazy burn out.
Saved you 6 hours

Mike left. That's 6 hours worth of minute details condensed into 2 words.

>Be James Rolfe
>Fall back asswards into being an early Youtube star because your manchild friend thinks its hysterical to watch you play a juvenile basement dwelling nerd sperging over crappy NES games
>Make movie about the most overrated "bad game" of all time E.T for Atari 2600 with the intention of it being the finale of AVGN
>Movie sucks more ass than the shitty games you verbally destroyed for over a decade
>No one in Hollywood is knocking down your door with movie deals
>Keep playing a character you are clearly tired of bc you are married with children
>Eventually loan out your entire job to Screenwave who don't get what made AVGN tick in the first place because you are a lazy bastard who supposedly has "no time" to give a rat fuck about your job as a content creator

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The concept just got played out. Also, he botched his movie, which took some of his thunder away as a wannabe director. Had he nailed it, then his career might have shown more promise. Of course I'm talking about a guy that cleared tens of millions of dollars, so it's not like he was a failure for an independent small time operator.

I feel like even ONE hour is too much of a stretch for this subject. How the hell do you get this for six hours? There's not that much to the story.
>Some guy made a funny video when youtube was young. It got traction. Then the joke got old. The end.

I unsubsrcibe once Mike officially left. Completely soulless.

James stopped playing games in like 1996. Mike was the creative mind past every episode past maybe the first five or six.

Hes been doing his show for almost 20 years , it wasn't gonna be at its peak popularity forever.

Because it declined in quality. It's pretty clear that he's mostly just doing it for the money at this point.

That and 80's nostalgia has been on its way out for years. Now its all about late 90's - early 2000's nostalgia.

So eventually Scott the Woz will be a hasbeen

>I have zero capacity to focus on something for more than a TikTok's length
Zoom zoom

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Why does it have to last forever? It was good for the duration it was good.

AVGN was James' shot into the world of film making. He went all in on the AVGN movie and not only was it awful, it ruined his future prospects of being a professional film creator.
From there AVGN became corporate to pay the bills. The genuine anger you see from older episodes is now just an act because zoomies like it when they say fuck and shit.

I should make a Youtube channel that just takes all of these long-ass video essays and sums up the entire topic in like 2 minutes or less
>great shtick, early youtube boost, niche topic
>shitty movie, stopped caring
>youtube changed people grew up
>end video
Like 1 and a half minutes just for this one

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I don't know, I'm not going to watch your or any long form discussion about stupid internet shit. I personally just got sick of the decline in video quality and obvious screenwave rush job sponsor shit and slob editing. The quality declined so hard and James has never ever been able to give a real valid excuse. He has literally said he just does it as a job and that they rush cheap videos to meet sponsor deadlines. It's entirely soulless.

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Became soulless

It would take me less than 20 minutes to fuck your ass until you fuck

It's the internet, that he still does seven figures 17 years in is insanely great. Yeah he's not redhot anymore, but who is after that long?

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