I have these two games and I'm wondering which one is better

I have these two games and I'm wondering which one is better
I'm going to play with a friend
does solasta play like divinity?
what about gloomhaven?

Attached: gloomsol.jpg (891x873, 260.77K)

If Gloomhaven is anything like the board game then its nothing like Divinity since attacks/specials are card-based.

I've read you have to plan your moves/attacks and they can get cancelled due to enemy movement
does everyone move at the same time?

Solasta is more of an RPG while Gloomhaven is a strategic card game with a limited amount of turns. Both are good but it depends on what you guys wanna play.

devour looks like a good game to play with your friend

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My friend who also loves Divinity Original Sin shilled Gloomheaven to me pretty hard but I refunded it after completing tutorial. It's so clunky and bloated and doesn't know what kind of game it wants to be.

What are you talking about? It knows exactly what it wants to be.

You pick two cards on your turn, each one has a Speed value. Everyone reveals their speed at once and people take their turns lowest to highest. So if you are slow the enemies get to move away or strike first.

No. Each card has an initiative value, which determines where it goes in a turn. Typically, weaker moves are faster. Deciding between speed and power is part of the deck building.

the way initiative works in the game is that each card has two actions on it (top and bottom).
Each card has a single intiative number on them.
You choose which of the two initiative numbers you want to use when you choose the two action cards you are going to play.
This part I am fuzzy on details but i am pretty sure it's correct. Each enemy TYPE gets a random initiative number dealt to them. Then you line up the initiatives and act in order.
Yes you can "lose a turn" with really bad range, But you have flexibility in your two cards to choose actions from. Also enemy behavior is pretty predictable so you can abuse this by hiding behind corners, going late initiative, have them come to you and not get an attack, then attack them after. This tactic works 70% of the time.

thanks a lot anons
would you recommend gloomhaven over solasta, or gloomhaven at all?

Gloomhaven is part puzzle, part pvp. You're competing against your teammates for loot and hidden objectives. Which is a neat concept, but not something I want out of my co-op monster slaying adventures.

Haven't played Solasta so can't say anything about it. What I can say about Gloomhaven is that if you can get a group together, it can be great fun, but alone it is a miserable experience.

Deckbuilding awkwardly shoehorned into regular tabletop RPG.

Do you like Table Top DND combat? Solasta is the most accurate recreation of that into a vidya
The story is serviceable

>Do you like Table Top DND combat?
yeah I fucking love it
thanks user

If you intend to get solasta get it strictly on sale.
Me and my lads bought it for 15€ and it still feels like we overpaid.
The combat and build/class varaity is nice, but the dialogue, character models and animations are below average.

is the dungeon maker any good?

is there anything like gloomhaven that is one character instead of a party?

Didn't try i yet, but from what i hear it's allright.

Gloomhaven isn't a deckbuilder at all, you don't know what that word means.

Gloomhaven has a deck, but it's just your resource to be managed and played around and not a core mechanic to the game.

>paying for gloomhaven
>when you can play for free* on Tabletop Simulator
you fucking RETARD

>Moving every piece, handling every card, having to put down every piece of gold and sifting through multiple decks to dig out rewards/monsters/tokens.
lmao look at this cuck

If you're going to go through that much work why not just play the boardgame with your friends. You do have IRL friends right?