"Sensing hints of commie bs"


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Communism is good

>Sensing hints of commie bs

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it's like one of those subtle vidya tattoo threads

I miss when communism wasn't a meme for upper-class hipsters who wear thick-rimmed glasses and sip lattes in expensive coffee shops next to their $2000 MacBook Pros.

>Communism is good at destabilizing countries and should be encouraged in places we don't like

Cringe reddit.com/

>game is full of troon-tier gaymur pandering
>also overtly commie

You could at least fucking try.

in reality is a disaster for human life

Yeah the antagonist is a hardcore communist so there's more than hints of communism in the game.

>game is full of conservative bs

Yes, it's a communist/socialist leaning game. There is nothing wrong with that, not every game needs to be consumed or is made to appeal to you.

>nothing wrong with that
yes there is
>not every game needs to be consumed
you eat your games nibba?
>or is made to appeal to you
but they should be as reality revolves around me

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never seen a game mindbreak Any Forums as much as this one, I might try it just to spite you all.

In a tribal society sure.

And it doesn't work in our society because...?

Reality would never revolve around someone who writes "lol" and in pure lowercase letters.

This is what I thought but I still played it till end and enjoyed it

dangerously based


It was like that even during the height of the Cold War. Communism has always been seen as something appealing by people who don't see how it works in practice.

its a good game. despite Any Forums's MUH POLITICS bitching, the game lets you lean in whichever direction you want, as far as you want. your mc will be encouraged to lean further, and every npc will hate you for it. hilariously, i think the center-left gets shit on the most. even more than far right facist racist.

literally who

Too many people. Luxury goods exist.

based samurai

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Is this the faggot who instead of making good art tries to be yet another Stonetoss copycat? Tragic

wow that sounds like an amazing game, why the fuck does Any Forums hate it so much?

the devs are communists. the game is still good though.

>In a tribal society sure.
Yeah, maximum 100-150 people
>And it doesn't work in our society because...?
Most societies are 150+ people

Only the Chinese one, not the fucking western democratic one. Look at Sri Lanka kek. That's where it's all destined to go.

Capitalism doesn't work

>why the fuck does Any Forums hate it so much?
because but despite their political handicap, they made a cool game that doesnt favor any political leaning.

As a cRPG storyfag, it really wasn't.

Because centrally planned systems are too unwieldy to distribute resources in a remotely efficient manner, thanks to the limits of latency.
Because human nature means we select kin over strangers everytime, so as soon as you attempt to build a society involving more than 250 people, you must assume people will not behave in an altruistic manner most of the time.
Capitalism assumes people are bad, and works despite that. Communism assumes people are good, and fails because of it.

why is communism so hated?

>communism doesn't work because people like owning things

Decades later, I'm still waiting for the commiechuds to refute based Zappa man on this.

Name a political ideology that isn't hated.

Probably because it killed more people than the Nazis did?

because 75% of the population of Any Forums are teenage phone-posters who came here in the aftermath of Trump's election and don't actually care about video games except as an excuse to get upset about SJWs

Just like capitalism

... at getting rid of communists.

Edgy teenage ideology that doesn't relate to reality in any way.

>I miss when communism wasn't a meme for upper-class hipsters

So never. What the fuck do you think Marx was?

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nah that's what capitalism is. "fuck you. I got mine." It's why restaurants, grocery stores, electronics shops, etc. toss out/destroy perfectly good product instead of donating it. Profit. Selfish ideology.