Did Nintendo fuck up by not making the Gameboy a sidestyle handheld?

Did Nintendo fuck up by not making the Gameboy a sidestyle handheld?

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>putting the start button right below the dpad

SOVL vs soullless

yes total fuck up. almost bankrupted nintendo back in the 80s

this. the gameboy was a massive flop and the major deciding factor was putting the screen on top.

Wish the fucking shitskin would tell us how he made it.
He said he destroyed two shells to make it, which sounds like bullshit.

okay zoom zoom


Also the dual screen of the ds and 3ds was a retarded idea 90% of the games only used it for the inventory or map, a complete waste of resources and battery

they went full contrarian because nintendo made their handhelds sidestyle since the 70s

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are you aware of how much of the original gameboy is AA batteries? Most.

Dumbest post I've seen all day.

NTA but I'm pretty sure this is the reason
The form factor allowed for a singular battery compartment whereas dividing the space to both sides would have either necessitated 2 compartments, or half the battery life

Nah, I liked it the way it was.
It's shit when it's too wide.

It's literally the same shape except turned 90 degrees you dumb nigger

they couldnt fit batteries and the cartridge otherwise.

You don't hold it the same way stupid fucking American.
There's a clear difference between something that's large and something that's long.

too gamegear-like

>Neck hurts from craning it downward
>Faggots want the screen even lower

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>handheld with no backlight
>retarded zoomer wants to surround the screen with his hands so that he can't see anything

t. rex

No, they just did the best they could with the technology they had at the time and figured things out later. But those people who make "modern retro portables" fuck up whenever they follow the original Game Boy's form factor instead of the superior Advance. Nintendo has never moved away from that (Switch is basically a huge GBA) for a reason, the only exception was the GBA SP and that was justified because it folded which meant there was a comfortable place for the shoulder buttons.

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I really don't like those R/L buttons.