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What do you want I’m busy

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>what zero Krogan cawk does to a bitch

you just know


wreks femsheps pusy

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Killed him in Virmire, I regret nothing :)

Just don't recruit him. I wonder how many know that you can avoid getting Wrex or Garrus on your team in the first game.

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But I want to recruit him so I can kill him later.

do i even bother spending bandwidth on andromeda if i just want to fuck the turian

Roleplay First Contact War.

This one has recently come into possession of 17.92 Petabytes of Asari pornography, including but not limited to:
>The 5 Petabyte collection of "I Dream of Azure"; the extremely popular smut series in which human males and females copulate and enjoy all things asari
>Asari/Human "BKC: Big Krogan Cock" collection
>The hit Xenophillia series "Asari vs The Galaxy", in which a young Asari take on everything the galaxy can put in them; From Elcor to Varren and everything in between [ILLEGAL IN COUNCIL SPACE]
>"Erotic Biotic" in which Asari use their biotic powers to induce pleasure and perform sexual acts using mass effect fields - L3 implant edition
>the beloved Hanar/Asari mating videos, popular on Kahje and Earth colonies
>young mercenary asari being inducted into the ranks through a hazing process
>extremely rare footage of Ardat Yakshi mating with their victims
>Asari matriarches who have have sired dozens of children across short lived species inviting her daughters to an orgy with their newest lover also known as a 'Millennium Orgy'
>justicar erotic cosplay (highly illegal, please use a galactic VPN)
>raw footage of Asari being captured and played with by Batarian Slavers
>Asari "Head Crest Obsession" in which sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation onto an asari's head.
>asari gold diggers being breed by their rich and unusually ugly lovers
>asari snuff videos featuring gore and dismemberment - popular on Khar'shan and other Batarian Colonies
>the full 2000 year catalog of Asari Edition Fornax
>a video called "Breaking Omega's #1 Rule"

If any of you are interested please contact this one at this one's designated Extranet Email facename:
>[email protected]

This one will also accept requests to find porn of other races as well and asks all clans to send credits to this ones Virtual Intelligence for commission.

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I love asari. Big boobed matriarchs especially.

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>not recruiting best teammate
sorry but that's never an option


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It is if you want to be less retarded about the Krogan in ME3.

Just look at the porn desu. I did and it's pretty good. Someone made a decent turian female model recently and artists are getting a lot of milage out of it

Kek, respect the devotion to lore

I have tried, but I always end up recruiting them

Then you come online and whine how you don't think ME games are good, especially the 3rd one, because you are stuck with stand ins you have no connection with. Bad, retarded decisions lead to bad outcomes. I mean if you don't like Wrex you are eithera try hard edge lord or an insufferable cunt.

>caring about ME after 1st game
those shit sequels are not ME and refuse to refer to them as such.

most do but it's rather odd narratively since you can't shoo away Tali. I get Liara because of the mom thing however the rest gets weird. I can tell a C-Sec Officer off or a Massive Krogan Merc, but the space pariah you have to take no question? Just makes a weird situation.

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