What game?

What game?

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League of Legends

Used to be Identity V but my computer just one day decided that i'm not allowed to play it anymore. been a lot happier since


old school runescape

starcraft 2 but it's far more than 500hrs

on steam

from my experience:
shmups in general
total war shogun 2 on very hard

all paradox map games

Destiny 2 and o keep paying for the expansions and seasons and grinf out all 3 characters every week..



Attached: Underrail.jpg (1280x720, 203.69K)

>22 years old
>in college
>200 hours in eu4
>400 hours in hoi4
i hate myself

nice build

I'm glad I've managed to kick that. I really just want one major expansion and one mini expansion each year and so I can fuck off without feeling like I'm missing out. This seasonal grind content can go suck a dick.

Path of exile

Escape from Tarkov

run escape

That's not really the purpose of the question, dummy.

I think Space Engineers fits that best for me. Me and three friends played for about 150 hours in multiplayer struggling with terrible performance, thousands of bugs, and now all I feel about the game is disgust that I went through that. It's probably improved a lot nowadays with all the updates, but I still don't want to get anywhere near that game ever again.

>23 years old
>6100 hours in EU4
>most of these between age 18 and 19