
What can we do about the commieblock problem?

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KILL anyone who complains about commieblocks.
>m-mercy my lord!!

why don't the NPCs build their own damn houses?!

coom mods?

You didn't post this to talk about Terraria, did you?

build commieblocks then just slowly move npcs to cuck shacks across the world for pylons

NPCs complaining about being too close together is a worse problem than commiblocks have ever been (commieblocks were never a problem)

>not making use of pylons early game

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Didnt they already fix that problem by giving bonuses to NPC's who live in certain biomes?

Literally nothing, the game being 2D in nature makes it impossible to apply three dimensional aesthetics. You can build some genuinely gorgeous villages in Minecraft, taking advantage of negative space, where every eyeline is fantastic, but in Terraria all you can do is throw down flat structures, you can make them pop a bit more with some clever use of walls, but it's very limited.

I will remove these low effort coom threads when my Janitor application gets accepted. Your days are numbered. Go find another board to polute.

>I gave you unique blocks from every biome and themed furniture and everyone made the equivalent of wooden commieblocks.
Literally never a problem, ever.

Do I need to circle it for you?

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I always get shit on for this opinion but Terraria 2 should be in 3D, this solving the commieblock

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Ok there's coom mods but when's the romancing mods coming out

>negative space
now you're just throwing buzzwords around



I want to bite the bullet and finally try that meme Calamity mod on 1.4 now that those tmod trannies got off their asses and updated. So if I'm understanding everything, I want to play on Expert since the mod was designed around it pre-1.4 and use that Revengeance item thing and that's like the "baseline" experience or whatever?

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Make obligatory rooms with more items and certain space.

by making more commie blocks

We solve it by building commieblocks. Why the fuck would I need to do anything more? Why is it a problem that everything is in one place?
If I wanted to build pretty houses I'd play fucking Sims.

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Have specific room requirements for each npc , likke in Dwarf Fortress and Dragon Quest Builders