Has a game ever hit you emotionally when you weren't expecting it?

Has a game ever hit you emotionally when you weren't expecting it?
Pic related. I have no idea why, but this game gives me the feels.

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Neutral ending

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I wasn't expecting to get hit so hard doing the fucking Goldsmith job quests in Final Fantasy XIV. Making a music box for a couples anniversary, where they both unknowingly commission the same gift for each other so you make them both 2 separate music boxes that when played together recite the song they got married to which is also a rendition of one of the games main themes. Was crying like a bitch when they were holding eachother listening to it happily.

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The story is mostly dark and somber throughout. Then, at the end, it rapes your fucking mind with what is, in my opinion, the greatest plot twist in the history of all writing. Then the finale turns out to be extremely happy and cheerful.
Greatest work of fiction in all of human history IMO. I'm not even kidding.

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>the fucking chills down your spine the first time you hear "Blick Winkel"
>that entire final route
It's a shame that this is only like early 2000's Any Forums-core and VN snobs nowadays have to pretend it's bad because "it just is." I know people get filtered by the chicken sandwiches but it's unironically a masterpiece.


>headphones on
>playing the purify effect mode

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All my friends make fun at me for crying to fucking tetris but damn, this game completely caught me off guard
I want to buy VR specifically to experience tetris effect in it

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Not when I wasn't expecting it. I did cry at the end of MOTHER 3 since I had also lost a parent. Tetris Effect didn't make me cry, but it puts me a very strange calm unlike other Tetris games like Tetris DS or Tetris 99.

I've played through Effect a couple of times and don't at all understand where you're coming from. Its just Tetris.

t. jaded

You have to listen to the words of the songs and get your emotion strings pulled by the music. It's babies first emotional manipulation tactic. If music doesn't effect you like that then the trick won't work.

The main thing this game made me feel is extremely annoyed at how many stages flash the entire screen white for a line clear.

Yes, this is basically a perfect game. I don't know if I can think of a single thing to improve it.

>You have to listen to the words of the songs
Ah, see now there may be the problem. I have always had this issue where I legit cannot understand song lyrics.


> mfw its actually a song about a mother and her child
> mfw I have literally thousands of images and not one single image appropriately captures the emotions for this situation.

Attached: contemplativejazzmusic.gif (500x418, 186.2K)

The ending of Rain World made me tear up

I'm a little over halfway through the campaign and these hyper speed blocks dropping in faster than the speed of light give me emotional rage.

Another omega kino game. Rain World is unironically one of the best games I've ever played.

That's not doing anything for me and instead reminds me why I modded in actual Tetris game music in place of Effects OST.