All DICE had to do with 2042 was just make Battlefield 4 again, why couldn't they even manage to do that?

All DICE had to do with 2042 was just make Battlefield 4 again, why couldn't they even manage to do that?

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2042 won retard get over it

won what?

I'm playing 2042 right now game is fine quit letting the internet fry your brain

>play bf4
>every server is some clan in vehicles fucking everyone to the point where no one can even play the game
Do not understand how anyone thinks this shit is good. The gunplay is also bad but good luck being able to experience it between the constant vehicle rape.

samefag. even EA has admitted the game is a failure

Because today's AAA western dev teams are full of diversity hires. They lack the skill to produce another Battlefiekd 4 or 1.

How the fuck did 2042 get a 7k 24 hour peak? Is the game still shit?

>a single you
come on now

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Its in the same position I'd say V and 1 was a bit after their launch
Meh. Just plain meh. It plays fine overall and isn't as trash as launch but its so baron in content that there isn't really any reason to play that much unless your a hyper autist. It has nothing overly memorable or exciting that really makes you want to keep playing it.

There hardly any guns so you usually use the same 1 - 3, and you never change attachments as they suck too. And the gadget variety is pretty boring too.
You end up feeling that you're playing the game the exact same way all the time and it grows stale very quickly.
Plus for some reason they thought it'd be fun to have a ton of different ways to play to split the tiny player base up even further.
And to top it all off the Battlepass is trash. Like it has nothing good at all except maybe one or two guns? The game desperately needs a fuck ton of content and by the time they deliver on it, so many other probably better games will be out.

The game would need to be entirely overhauled. Going the "we want the hero shooter audience" with a game that could have up to 64-players on both teams is fucking retarded, there's absolutely zero readability between teams, and if it wasn't already bad enough they did bother making models for the normal classes on both sides but those are only for the mindless AI running around.

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If they really wanted to go down that path they could have at least done what CoD does and have a good guy and bad guy specialists have different looks.
The whole reason they even had specialists anyway is because the game was a fucking BR in development.
EA needs to understand that the only way player skins sell is if they are coombait or whacky silly shit, which neither fit into the BF at all.

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China's too financially influential for anyone to make a game where you shoot chinks

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>Indie dev does exactly this
>Improves on gameplay in every way
>Is more fun than every BF since 4
>Has better population during its tests than BF games

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>t. mutt

>*air support
what did they mean by this

>it's a zavod 311 episode

Attached: Zavod_311.jpg (1920x1080, 1005.05K)

>mobile AA able to hide behind spawn and kill everything
>Ace23 and AEK ruin any fun by being the only gun anyone uses
>Jets using 313 instead of even the most rudimentary physics
>Supports STILL don't drop ammo
>recons camp in the hills with a spawn beacon and claymores and never once use the PLD

When BF4 came out Any Forums hated it, makes you wonder if you're going to praise 2042 once it's a decade old.

Zavod would be endlessly better without the MAA.

You can shoot down helicopters all day long with the IFV and a friendly recon. The MAA just farms infantry

People always make comparisons to the final update BF to new fresh launch BF.
EA's track record for the quality of BF games at launch is getting worse and worse. Its also sad that people use that as an excuse for the game's terrible launch quality
2042 will for sure be better then it is now for sure, but there are still trash elements at its core that won't be changed, like Specialists.

Will MW2 be the final nail in the coffin for 2042?

Not if MW2 itself is shit

The biggest break that 2042 got though was 343 fucking up big team battle in Infinite

>Zavod would be endlessly better without the MAA
Nah I think Zavod is fine in its current state. Removing the MAA would turn it into a Scout heliwhore heaven, just look at Flood Zone.

I'm so happy to see it hitting 20k players during the playtests, but also know that- since it isn't free- it'll drop right off after release. Also, the art style is shit. Yeah I know it's low res for toasters but the Roblox guys are shit. Shame because the gunplay is actually great and everyone on both teams having open-mic on death is a 10/10 feature.

It isn't in the game yet.

>Scout heliwhore heaven

The IFV and a friendly recon can oneshot littlebirds, which is usually what happens because the MAA has fucked off nowhere near the battlefield

I like the level design but I don't like the minecraft character models

>t. ms shills

>by the time they deliver on it
They're not going to deliver on it, they're going to put out the gate minimum required to satisfy legal obligations for people who bought the pass and dropping it the instant that's done

Motherfuckers in here got some rose-tinted glasses. Do you guys not remember how disastrous BF4 on PC was? Hell, they had a bug in the game where people with SLI cards couldn't play. They didn't fix this bug until a whole YEAR AND A HALF LATER!

Play on PS4. More players, less shitty servers with gay rules, less getting stomped.

Some of the levels are shit, but some from what I've played are surprisingly decent. The one with the big bridge is a lot of fun if you get a good back and forth going on the bridge, people jumping on train cars and shit. The one that has the big radio tower that looks like Caspian Border is shit and you just die from snipers forever. Snipers are a shit of fuck in that game.

I am actually playing this game right now AMA

If that was the case they wouldn't be remaking half the maps to make them not terrible, or replacing the voice lines of heroes with less cringe ones.
They could have just done updates solely for the battlepasses if they wanted to meet the minimum

>The IFV and a friendly recon can oneshot littlebirds, which is usually what happens
*blocks your path*

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>they had a bug in the game where people with SLI cards couldn't play

And GPU makers have killed off multi GPU forever. Multi GPU is hard and even the chipmakers don't like it

The bugs in 2042 are gone, its just a boring game now.

you ever thought you just suck at fps? farfetched i know, but maybe youre just a slow adapter crutching on an installment youre decent at? hmmmm really makes your noodle nimble quite the conundrum

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>it's a Zavod Night Shift episode

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Bf4 sucked at launch though?

Are you a conquestcuck or breakthroughchad?