What's the appeal of Nintendo?

what's the appeal of Nintendo?

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Fun games

it stopped being fun long time ago

They have games. Honest to god games.

I'm still having fun just like tens of millions of other people


I would say handheld gaming, but the steamdeck can emulate switch games better than the switch can run them, so I don't know anymore. I feel like Nintendo should just stop making consoles and focus on developing games for real hardware, so the developers don't commit seppuku from being forced into limited their ideas and projects in such shitty hardware. Because their games are fun, but their consoles and handhelds are always dog shit.

the DS and 3DS were peak comfy but in current year not much

video games

>but the steamdeck can emulate switch games better than the switch can run them
Oh user....

Nobody seems to make games like them. They don't care about being woke and just generally try to make fun inoffensive games. The only thing I don't like about Nintendo is that they're tone def as fuck as to what their fans want. They either release the same game every couple of years or make something so polarizing that it fails.

bing bong wahoo ported from gamecube for 15th time !!!

>they're tone def as fuck as to what their fans want.
Which is a good thing, it's one of the main reasons why they're constantly making original games each generation rather than making the same game yearly like Ubisoft or Activision.
That said more often than not they make games that fans will enjoy.

It's true though. Hell in a year or two phones and tablets will be able to emulate switch games better than the switch.

they make snoys seethe

Video games

They fund interesting Japanese games like Bayonetta, Astral Chain, Xenoblade and Splatoon

>It's true though.
user, as it is the Deck can't even run Odyssey properly even at a reduced framerate and lower resolution than he switch.
That's the game both emulators were made for.
>Hell in a year or two phones and tablets will be able to emulate switch games better than the switch.
I remember being this young and naive, modern phones can't even play ps2 tier games natively.

I'm mostly referring to how they deliberately ignore what works (in the case of paper mario) or they'll release the same game 20 times (in the case of Pokémon or mario)

it has games

>they deliberately ignore what works (in the case of paper mario)
Tanabe is the exception. He was looking at a way to get out of rpgs for a long time and Miyamoto was the only thing keeping him from it.
>they'll release the same game 20 times (in the case of Pokémon or mario)
It's hard to make a case for them being the same games with exception to the third pokemon games. With Mario the closes game would be SMB2 JP which was basically an expansion. The rest are pretty distinct in what they offer and how they play.
Also Pokemon isn't Nintendo.

Seems more that you're focusing on the IP more than the game.