Sonic adventure 2 is good

it's actually good

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That image makes it so apparent to me just how absolutely cringe and chuuni Sonic got

No it isn't.

Fucking no.

Sonic stopped being a chuuni series after 06 and thus lost its appeal

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Why do their super forms look so metallic?

this post makes it so apparent to me just how much of a tranny and a redditor you are.

why so

Shadow was the worst thing to happen to sonic. Anything after sonic and knuckles isn't Canon anyway

Attached: goback3.jpg (480x360, 18.97K)

what the fuck is ""chuuni""
speak english you buzzword faggots

Don't mind me just posting the best 3d sonic game

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the only bad thing about Sonic adventure 2 is that you have to play the first one.

So should I get SA and SA2? I remember liking it when I was young.
Should I avoid the other 3D sonics?

It had my favourite Sonic levels. Shame there's only like 6 of them

No you don't. They aren't even close to being anything related outside of references to Lost World in the True Ending.

SA2 is pretty fun. SA is pretty trash

Shitter opinion incoming. The peak of Sonic is SA1, SA2, Heroes, Shadow The Hedgehog and 06.

Generations > SA1 > SA2

Attached: groovestickmangroove.gif (220x220, 145.79K)

SA1 has the best use of 3D momentum physics. Love spindash jumping past 1 half of the levels.

Did they just paste Shadow's head onto Sonic's body and change all the textures yellow
Because that's legit what it looks like

Fuck you shadow is reddit.


You can argue SA2 is the "better designed" game due to it being less janky but SA1s spin dash bustedness and level design made it way more fun to play for me.

anime website
lurk at least 2 years before posting