TES bros, how are you holding up?

TES bros, how are you holding up?

Attached: epic next-gen aaa rpg gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

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its just fucking fallout with a new paint job
that is LITERALLY, NOT FIGURATIVELY, one of the square lazer guns from fallout 4
game is a fucking joke
game is going toi be dogshit

If you told me that this will be destiny 3 I would believe it

And it's going to sell 20 million copies and there is absolutely nothing your bitch ass can do about it.

Reinstalling Fallout 4 right now. What mods should I get?

looks less appealing than destiny 2 lol

Space is fake and gay just like Bethesda

Yes there is.

>gameplay trailer
>STILL getting some fucking retard with a controller to demo it instead of using a keyboard and mouse.
I know they think its cinematic or something for someone to slowly aim around the screen to kill enemies but it just looks fucking retarded.


I just finally played Fallout 4, it's bland and boring as hell, easily their worst game yet and appears that Starfield is going to be even more boring and empty.
How can anyone look forward to this, Bethesda puts way less effort into their non ES games and this will be no different, it will be nothing more than a testing ground for their new engine build.

99% of players will be playing with a controller.

What a joke. This is what Todd does with his Skyrim money?

yeah, he can not play it and move on with his life
videogames are toys devised to have fun, grow up

I completely gave up on Bethesda after Fallout 4. Now I just play Tamriel Rebuilt whenever it updates and encourage other anons to do the same.

Attached: 1630550457730.jpg (1920x1080, 148.32K)

I said this gameplay looked like Fallout: New Vegas the other day and had a thread full of retards chimping out on me defending Todd Example:

Attached: todd.jpg (620x666, 45.21K)

I'm practically yawning as I watch this.

it's like this belongs in 2010

how many hours will it take me to download, install, troubleshoot, and get the mod working

I can't believe a studio that makes a certain style of games are making a new game with a similar style, this is blowing my fucking mind

Attached: elden-ring-co-op-multiplayer-mod-550x309.jpg (550x309, 28.81K)

Thats besides the point user. It LOOKS like shit. You cannot convince me that the aiming in this clip looks good in any capacity

Fallout 4's gameplay is better than any of the TES games though

Still shit of course, but better

>heh, it has shooting, just like in fallout, lmao!


The mods like 2.5 gigs. Installing shouldn't take more than 10 minutes if you follow the instructions. Just remember to edit the .ini files so you register your BSAs.


Oblivion with guns in space

i like fallout more than TES and i like space and robotic stuff, so i'm actually pretty happy with the current situation.

Why does Bethesda hate imaginative worldbuilding and color? Why is their sci-fi so bland and vanilla "nasapunk" and their fantasy hyper generic LOTR clones. Why do people like this?

is bethesda doing the strategy where they release a garbage trailer and when the game comes out above average people will go wow this is amazing compared to the trailer?
like with 76 how it was garbage when it first came out?