Rooster Teeth

Did anyone else go to the Rooster Teeth convention? I didn't because Im not getting vaxxed or tested. Why are they trying to ruin everyone's fun?

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Fuck off

It's a rooster teeth convention. Zero fun was ruined.
While you're false flagging, can you tell me why testing is out of the question?

The covid vaccines dont work anywhere near of what was officially promised and those rapid tests are trash. Why anyone would still pull this shit 2+ years of this nonsense is beyond me but gaming has really pulled a 180 and is nothing but a globohomo bug men subculture now so they eat that shit up

because they are evil pieces of shit. the convention center doesnt even care about masks and they still implemented it

this makes sense

>ignores question
>spergs out with antivax talking points
Alright you have a good thread here


why are you such a bootlicker? do you not have the ability to think critically or do you seriously think rich profiteers care about you?

While we're thinking critically, why would profiteers want people dead when they could instead continue profiting off them?

>for youtubers
do zoomers really?
I get trying to meet them if you were are some separate event like E3 or something but a convention SPECIFICALLY for some youtubers?

Attached: bussinpepe.jpg (600x647, 47.76K)

be careful he's going to switch talking points now that you've asked that to something something government

They've already made their money already from it

well when they think like this guy it shouldnt surprise you

What part of what he said was an anti-vax talking point?

The MRNa drug has a something like 330% greater chance of hospitalisation than "covid". Covid is just a rebranded flu/common cold which idiots like you have been duped into fearing enough to fluff pharma kikes.

Rooster Teeth is still around?

>Michael and a bunch of nobodies
Damn, did everyone else leave?

apparently this is what they dissolved into. it's kinda gross

check it out:

Holy shit. Someone actually thinks this. You're a treasure, user. A treasure that would be a greater benefit to the world if it were dead but a treasure none the less

that isnt an argument

Their profit didn't come directly from regular people themselves but strongarming governments and institutions into preemptively buying/ordering billions of shots.

Did they somehow make Michael Jewish? Did he get a perm?

Why do you faggot X´ers and millennials always blame us? Millennials will go there, not zoomers, so you can cope buddy.

It's not just gaming. The people who should be against big pharma and big corporation having so much influence have become their biggest cheerleaders just because they heckin owned the mean tweets orange man. The infiltration and distraction of Occupy Wall Street has irreparably destroyed the American left.

I miss the OG squad.
RT died the momebt they started absorbing other shit and sold out to WB.
I wonder what Burnie is up to these days.

Yeah I think its basically just tumblerites and their predators who give a shit about rt today.
So millennials

Pfizer CEO is a holocaust survivor. GOTTA GET THOSE SHEKELS BROS!

You seriously think millennials will watch this?