What dream game would you create with a budget of $230 000 000?

What dream game would you create with a budget of $230 000 000?

none, GTA5 was made with $265mil and look at that dogshit. I'll just buy a giga rigga and continue to complain about video games with every new release while balls deep in them, cheeto dust on my fingertips, huge, unfurnished house like my favourite streamers and a bunch of old, overpriced vidya

>winner name ends with -stein

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Open source PC port of Gran Turismo 2 with bugfixes, polish, expansive settings and online play.

I'd fund a talented Japanese eroge team to create the greatest 2D Super Sentai rape porn game of all time. 3D is a money sinkhole that takes longer, would look less appealing, and wouldn't be playable on your shitty laptop you've been keeping in the cupboard since 2015.

Goyim shouldn't be allowed to have money. If you find a quarter on the sidewalk and you don't turn it in at the nearest synagogue, you are literally a thief and you should be killed. All money in the world rightfully belongs to G-d's Chosen People, as does the world itself, and the goyim. You're here to serve us, goy.

Alright faggots, pick numbers for me and I'll buy every single one no matter the cost (excluding shitposts like sequential numbers)
>five numbers 1-50
>two numbers 1-12

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I don't know if it would cost that much, but a paradox-style game where you're in control of a randomly-generated third world country. Rebels, corruption, child soldiers, war crimes, potential to lead your fledgling nation to wealth and stability. I'd call it Failed State.

12 17 41 44 50
3 8

A sequel to god hand

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The Sims but good

>fantasy MMO
>very low magic
>imagine lord of the rings movies
>if you know any magic at all you are basically a god so it's reserved for legendary lore characters
>light survival elements like eat/drink/rest/extreme weather conditions
>early medieval technology
>grunt gear is chain mail, basic open helmet, spear, broadsword, shield
>knights get chain mail, breastplate, plate helmet, shins, crows beak, flail, 1.5 handers and shield
>4 life paths(classes)
>deeply religious monk/nun(males can specialize into a priest or crusader, females the abbess)
>scoundrel(can specialize into a prostitute or bounty hunter)
>conscript(starts as grunt, can become a town guard or knight) - male only
>adventurer for hire(murder hobo and grave robber, get caught and it's your head)
>different life goals and story per path
>basic class trinity: monks and nuns offer spiritual support, conscripts are the front line, scoundrels and adventurers are of low moral character and looked down by society, everybody needs them, nobody would admit it)
>horses are a thing, if you can afford them, same as wagons
>no random loot, you pick a weapon and specialize with it(learning new moves)
>nuns and monks write chants and study scripture to improve their abilities
>quests are tailored to your life path
>monks and nuns are hired for philosophical tasks and advice
>scoundrels steal shit and spy, combat is rare
>conscripts do army shit like menial labor for their superiors and training
>adventurers have to hunt down contracts in the underworld
>dungeons, caves, ruins are a thing all over the world
>5 man party
>full collision so blocking a hallway /w shields is a valid strategy
>AAA visuals and animations

>spend about million or 2 making the game
no game has ever justified a budget larger
>invest the rest

>early medieval fantasy
>third person action RPG
>4 man party + summons/pets
>planning stage where you can split the party and attack from multiple angles(archer on the hill, cleric in the back, warrior in the front and mage behind a tree channeling a wall of fire)
>camp mechanic from kingmaker combined with a survival/affliction system like darkest dungeon
>not random, they are specific to each class and are caused by certain events
>characters appearance changes based on stat allocation and injuries suffered in combat/events
>magic is extremely rare and insanely powerful
>about 1 person with magical abilities per 100k
>you can't learn it and there are no spells
>every "spell" requires a bit of life to be sacrificed
>the stronger the "spell", the greater the sacrifice
>mages are in shackles that suppress their abilities basically 24/7 until they can be trusted
>invading hordes of semi-sentient chaotic evil creatures lead by a demi-god
>they reproduce by abducting females of the species(humans, elves, dwarfs, orcs, ogres) and raping them
>the birth is always deadly for the mother and they always spawn 8-24 children at once
>they reach maturity in 6-8 days
>the PC is leading a band of former 'mage controllers' tasked with eliminating the leading demi-god
>no open world but smaller hub worlds
>no insignificant loot because your gear is already the best the mage hunters can get
>upgrades come in form of legendary items roughly 3-4 per hub world
>rogue, mage, warrior with 5 specilizations each that blur the lines between them
>no insignificant quests
>everything you do is directly related to stopping the demi-god and if you drag your feet you doom the world
>no exploration, got no time for that
>every area you can enter has a specific story-related purpose
>no quest markers either, you have to pay attention and you will miss out on stuff if you don't
>there is always something happening, can't go 10 minutes without a cut scene, conversation or party banter

A WWII/Natsoc Germany game depicting the real reasons behind Hitler's motives and not the garbage we learned in schools. Like Wolfenstein, I guess, but unpozzed. The amount of seething and kvetching would be astronomical.

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>the real reasons behind Hitler's motives
Insanity-stage syphilis? Ballsy.

Why was the picture deleted

I want a game where you know there is going to be a war so you build a bunker, but you end up alone in (your friends / family dies). Then you have to defend the bunker and find a wife.

I'll make a shitty flash game and take the remaining