GTA IV is better than GTA V

GTA IV is better than GTA V

Attached: GTA IV vs V Cops.webm (994x560, 2.85M)

Can't sell 165 million copies if you make the game too hard

Based OP making V pajeets seethe

Driving a car with F1 downforce vs driving a fucking boat


leftist faggots like OP think businesses are charities

Yeah. And it's not only the AI being dumbed down in V, the driving also feels like absolute shit in V. The cars are fucking weightless and inertialess. They make driving to fucking suck in a game where you drive most of the goddamned time.

It goes to show how popularity doesn't equal quality at fucking all.

>muh physics
Ok CrowBCat. Go back to your retirement home.

IV was your first GTA game thanks for letting us know, you can leave now

>t. rajeesh

who gives a shit about either of them? 3d > hd universe


Attached: GTA IV vs V cop ai.webm (888x500, 2.7M)

>GTA IV, the most normie game of 2008, is somehow less popular than GTA V, the most normie game of 2013

GTA IV wasn't a normie game back then it was pretty niche by today's standarts.

>GTA IV wasn't a normie game

Attached: file.png (277x173, 76.61K)

Real driving appreciators know. IV was like a dream.

the left one is more realistic though

>It goes to show how popularity doesn't equal quality at fucking all.
only bad faith arguments are made on this principle. Nobody actually genuinely thinks this. You have to stop giving them the time of the day

Meanwhile, what point are you making by pointing this out?

to be fair gamers standards were different in 2008. The iphone came out in 2007, REAL normies werent part of internet culture yet so we're talking about completely different things from today. It'd be hard to call any game a normie thing from that time

>Meanwhile, what point are you making by pointing this out?
That you should stop acting like "popularity does not equal quality" needs any sort of evidence. You might aswell go around proving the sky is blue. Nobody will ever disagree with you unless he's trying to be a bad faith actor in the argument, do yourself a favor and stop giving a shit

Who is giving a shit? Who are you talking to and what about?

GTA Online is still better than them both.

Attached: gta-online.jpg (1920x1080, 169.17K)

you disassociating because you realized you're retarded huh

Is that what I realized now? You sure you aren't having a confusing personal rant in a public space?

are you confused by the idea of a discussion forum where if you post something retarded, someone else can respond to you? You're such a fucking sperg lmao go talk to someone who considers you to be their friend instead of trying this weird passive aggressive smug shit on me

Jesus christ newfag, it was so fucking normal they ran news stories on it about beating hookers in game.

You're the one that went on a tangent over one passing line of dialogue

IV is a dogshit game, so no. Cope youtuber shill contrarian n*gger.

imagine calling your own post in a forum "one passing line of dialogue"
truly enlightened

>truly enlightened

Attached: gandhi.jpg (318x382, 33.67K)

completly, GTA V was boring