I love you, user!

>I love you, user!

Attached: GIANT HATS.png (703x651, 498.5K)

Well, I don't.
You see, you have been explicitly and consciously designed to look and act like a child.
I, a non-pedophile, am not attracted to children, and thus, I cannot accept your love.


Well, I do.
You see, you have been explicitly and consciously designed to look and act like a child.
I, a pedophile, am attracted to children, and thus, I can accept your love.

>a troon in time
51% yourself

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Alas, we cannot be together little hat girl. For I am more than thrice your age.

This game was average at best and I'm tired of people pretending it was on part with shit like mario 64.

Thanks Hat Kid

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Agreed, it is way better than shartio basedxtyfour

Since when does s.o.y. get changed based, wasnt it onions?

kill yourself

stuffing creamy mesugaki pussies with thick veiny cocks

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A Hate in Time is a better game than Mario Odyssey. It also looks better.

I am the opposite, I have a crippling obsession with having sex with children, and thus will waste obscene amounts of time and money on any media that even remotely scratches that itch


Go back to kissing children, Ararararagi

Give me hug then.

I love you too sweetie.
Now let's go find your mother, it's time to head out for our sunday morning brunch.

>hat kid having funny feelings for carol she doesn't understand
>finally confesses

Mario Odyssey is better by virtue of lacking any sign of trannies.

its saturday you UNEMPLOYED FUCk ing lazy piece of SHIT

Too bad Carol is eloping with Bow Kid.

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I fucking wish I was unemployed.

now there's 2 hat kids

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