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Other urls found in this thread: least it was, before i fucked errythang up

what did you do?

>story is serviceable at best
>character building and customization is shallow
>combat is barebones and quite awful
>world is barren and the towns miniscule
>no memorable characters of any kind
>barely any room for actual roleplaying
>quests are simplistic and boring
>dungeons are linear and samey
>same 3 voice actors for every character
>bad AI
>buggy as hell
>also happens to be the greatest game ever made
How does he do it bros?

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Someone will fall for this bait

i haven't played this game in like over 10 years should i play it again its been on my mind for ages and i wanna try modding (i know that's a whole can of worms)

is it worth it

The game is a 5/10 unmodded, modding can take it to a solid 8/10. Just take note of whatever you don't like, and there's probably a mod to fix it, while turning it into a sex game that perfectly reflects your personal tastes.

Multiplayer mod released.

I feel like doing another play though, but it's been awhile. What are some good mods that improve quality/textures/etc. I want to keep gameplay and story intact as possible just update the core game to utilize better hardware.

Could be fun, but I wonder how certain quest would work with more than 1 player. Feel like there's going to be a lot of game breaking bugs and Skyrim has enough of those in the base game already.

Well I looked at the "HOT MODS" on the Skyrim SE front page and one of them was "ANIMATED BEAST COCKS"
I don't want to play with these people.

>user asks you your thoughts on a specific mod

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>nig fucking old whale
why is this so common?

how many degenerate mods would a Any Forums server require?

>totally not staged XD

installed mod in loverslab

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Thieves Guild and Dawnguard still have the absolute worst writing I've ever experienced in any game.

suddenly you become arch mage in mage guild, it doesn't make sense, thieves guild however you must do side quest to become the leader of the thieves guild

The tranny seethes when you point out its fag shit.

How is it?