Whoever is responsible for mission 14 needs to kill himself. This is not a joke...

Whoever is responsible for mission 14 needs to kill himself. This is not a joke. This is not an ironic "lol KYS" from the internet. They need to do their best impression of a prime minister. They need to scribble out a suicide note that will inevitably be thrown away by apathetic and estranged family, put the barrel of a shotgun in their mouth taking careful aim so as not to just go out the back of the throat or just blow their face off, and squeeze the trigger to embrace the sweet oblivion that is too fucking kind a fate for designing such a retarded fucking level. There is no redemption for this, there is no extenuating circumstance that justifies what they've done, the only thing they can possibly do to even try to make up for what they've afflicted upon the world is to cut the world's losses and make sure that it's the last terrible thing they'll ever be responsible for. I'd rather scrape what passes for this faggot's brain off the ceiling after he does us all this favor than ever play this poorly designed shitshow ever again. Hell, I won't play it either way but I'd still volunteer to put his meat in a box if it meant I could have the peace of mind through confirmation of his death.

Devil May Cry thread.

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I don’t even remember what mission that is, I have never been so offended by a DMC level

Didn't read. Git gud.

just make sure you start with the funny cat, user

>not your typical boss rush
>need to pick up enemies accordingly
>need to regain your weapons
>you also fight bosses with different character than before

i actually thought mission 14 was a great pace breaker.

Mission 14 is not even as bad as mission 13.

We get ONE fucking co-op level in the whole game and it's three rooms. Not even co-op bloody palace when SE dropped.

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Actually Mission 7 is also able to be co-op'd

That's just a missed opportunity though. It's not outright shit at the conceptual phase like mission 14.

I completely forgot about that because it didn't happen to me until three playthroughs in

>Fucked up my first time doing that mission by picking Griffon against Angelo
>Used a Red orb revival
I'm not sure what I was thinking. And I feel awful for reviving that way but I messed up bad.

At least I'll redeem it eventually on a DMD playthough.

The mission isn't even difficult outside of DMD though. A little annoying, takes some strategy if you're used to abusing the hell out of nightmare, but otherwise perfectly fine. It's DMD that's total bullshit, even for DMD.

It was fine once I got Shadow again. Just fighting Angelo with only Griffon was a bad idea.

It's not that hard. You can even just let Nightmare go to town on Goliath at the end if you have a whole DT bar.

>dmcucks are literally too retarded to mindlessly mash buttons
you can't make this shit up kek

>ngcuck can only mash cutscene attack button

I only play with the coop mod these days and am surprised how often I find a random to play with

rent free

how do I do gorillion stab with rebellion in 3
it says mash triangle but it seems like there's a particular timing to it

There's a mashing threshold you need to reach to activate Crazy Combos. The threshold is lowered as your Style rank increases, making it easier to get as you play better.

I only hated it because of the stupid fucking stumbling wasting like a minute of your time at the start. You can at least jump to skip the dumb out of breath jog he does every 10 seconds.