Play at FPS higher than 30

>play at FPS higher than 30
>monsters have godly tracking on 80% on their abilities
>the higher FPS the better tracking
there is literally not a single good thing about this game, what a piece of stinky shit.

Attached: 553970b8-4261-4882-89aa-ff1a08698f28.jpg (1280x720, 196.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

skill issue

must suck to suck

>game logic tied to fps
i hate that shit so much

Literally the easiest title ever
You suck

the shitch ruined gaming

>akchually, it's supposed to be shit
>uhhh it's your problem!

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (397x243, 29.42K)

its because PC gamers are better, so they don't need the low fps handicap of switch users

>cheat mods everywhere

Honestly these.
Boggles my mind that Capcom is still making deals with Nintendo after the international success they had with world. Should've made the game compatible with PS4/5 instead, but I'm sure that's what 6 will be.

Imagine the act of just rolling or diving towards the monster being too difficult a concept because it can keep a better bead on your direction before the attack.

KEK imagine being owned by a tablet. Mustards truly are a joke.

>tfw 120 fps

>not only getting a better game to look at but also a more challenging one
Damn. PChads just can't stop winning.

inconsistency does not equal challenge.

Attached: 1630213529480.jpg (200x198, 24.7K)

>inconsistency does not equal challenge.

Attached: nerd-face-emoji-clever-emoticon-with-glasses-vector-28926172__01.jpg (1000x995, 105.14K)

console babbies cheat as much if not more

Attached: mhw ps4 cheats 3.gif (400x438, 3.48M)

>>play at FPS higher than 30
>>monsters have godly tracking on 80% on their abilities
>>the higher FPS the better tracking
>>game logic tied to fps
is this true? or does it only do anything >60FPS?

>Still falling for this meme

agree, rise is not worth anyone's time

Attached: 1fs.jpg (1240x786, 175.41K)

>monster has better tracking
>faster response time for my button inputs
fair trade