How would you have fixed it?

How would you have fixed it?

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HighElves and Ogres

>NO layers or at the very least have it be conditional based on the number of people in the zone
I deliberately chose a lower populated server to be more blizzlike and avoid streamer fags but it was still plagued by layer abuse despite layers being unnecessary in most zones
>immediately patch out and ban zoomcleaving faggots and exploiters instead of just slapping them on the wrist at most or letting them get away with their ruination
beyond that I can't really remember what issues I had with it. It was a blast for a few weeks until the state of modern zoomie gamers ruined it

There's no fixing the modern WoW playerbase. It was still fun for the first few months.

There is no fix, there isn't anything wrong with the game. The issue lies in the player base.
Were you really surprised when every single zoomer had the opportunity to play "the greatest mmo of all time at its peak" and they powerleveled through THE WHOLE GAME (In vanilla WoW 1-60 was the game, the obsession with end game content was a biproduct of expansions) just so they could group up with 39 other zoomers (who also picked mage because it was the highest dps class because the only dopamine they can squeeze out of their brains is by having the biggest number in the DPS meter) to clear content which was really just stat checks rather than actually having to learn mechanics?

It's the reason why PvP realms were so popular and why they all rolled Horde. Playing games isn't about having fun, it's about being other players which can be hard if you're a shitter, thankfully with MMOs you can literally just buy power thanks to the Chinese.

>How would you have fixed it?
I would change nothing.

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>having any challenge
boomers unironically believe this shit too

This is the single most schizophrenic image I've seen on Any Forums.

waifu dating system

I'll play wotlk classic and thats it. If they are actually dumb enough to make a cata classic that no one wants, then its over.

wouldnt have moved onto BC, shouldve kept it in vanilla and added onto it with new content, first patch would have been new races, then gradually adding scrapped ideas / raids from design notes made in the old days, I suppose theres still a chance of this happening after Wrath has been out for awhile because there is no way in fuck they'll do Cata classic, who knows, can't say I care anymore after its been monteized with boosts, havent touched the game since the dark portal pass was a thing

No changes, like classic fucking should have been.

>classes are blatantly imbalanced
>leveling can be breezed through but is somehow supposed to be the main game
>content was just stat checks and didnt have real mechanics
sounds like the game is the issue

>botting completely out of control
>staff decides to devote all resources to removing your ability to type "nigger" into the chat

There's no fixing the political rot in that company and you are much better off playing private servers because apparently autistic slavs make a better blizz like experience in their basements.

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remove bots and level boosts for a start

It's a little inaccurate since Chris was behind WoD and Legion, also the poopsocking really was in the game from Vanilla. TBC made the game more casual infact, original vanilla raiders were such no lifers some guilds unironically raided all day in work days. It was a very unhealthy environment, casual raiding in vanilla today is born from player ability and min maxing. Years ago even clearing MC took hours, some times days.

This is literally the single greatest image to illustrate the decline of WoW

mage isn't highest dps, warriors and rogues are

1. remove layering after day 1 when everyone is out of the starting zones
2. remove the stupid shit that emulates old internet where you miss every interrupt
3. let all party members loot quest items so you can actually group with people
4. actually ban bots

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We all know that MoP and Cata will come.

Classic+ instead of existing expansions. Use an OSRS gearing system where new BiS updates are uncommon and there is no catch up gear.

but why though? Thats when most people quit. Maybe pandas might come. The whole reason classic exists is to kill private servers

Most people quit before Wrath was over. They had insanely low retention rates and high turnover as they burned through tens of millions of players that never hit cap
Only bad players quit in Cata

Not happening unless they want to kill their game again.

Based, that or goblins

clearly you havent seen the maze wars

Cata is strictly better than Wrath
>better dungeons
>no tank faggotry in pvp
>proper 10m raiding
>Molten front blows AT out of the water
>healing has actual depth
>class rotations have actual depth
>archeology a fun distraction

raiding was the biggest blunder of wow, together with damage meter. You cant possibly tell me that molten core is an upgrade to BRD gameplay wise

>remove layers
>lock servers past ~3k players
>make premades match other premades in bgs
>make the mage boosting changes before it got out of hand
>stay in vanilla and add classic+ content (lol)
>ban gdkp

How does this change the fact that devs already polled and stated they are doing wrath+

>decided on anything when Wrath is going to crash a month in just like TBC did because it's shallow garbage
The devs even realize Wrath is in no way like Vanilla and are trying to avoid including LFD but every casual is clamoring for it. No reason to hold back LFR at that point