Why did he do it?

Why did he do it?

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Why did all the photos they were using make him look like a communist?

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Who else would sperg out and shoot a conservative PM?

Abe was a known La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo collaborator

He was a communist.

>mad man actually killed a former prime minister of one of the most peaceful countries with a homemade shotgun
he really is the creative dad

>Be Japanese
>Get shot

because all politicians deserve to be shot in the fucking head

because they were all from right wing news sources trying to make it looks like a left wing commie did the killing

Wait is this liquid Kojima?

What's even stopping Americans from killing their President?

They're always out there around the country, even that they're not even protected by a shield

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Don't ask questions.

Nothing, Americans are just cowardly cattle and are incapable of doing anything meaningful despite their posturing. The same applies to just about everyone today, only few are strong willed and decisive enough to do what needs to be done and they are reviled and rendered outcasts for their strength of will and character.

Character development

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>What's even stopping Americans from killing their President?
Our strict anti-gun laws.

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americans are cowards

plasma hideo

How many governments have you toppled today?

I toppled you're mom yesterday lmao

>you can only criticize it if you do better

What kind of handmade gun is able to kill people in the fucking back?

Not even a BB gun is able to kill people

>news outlets are so naive they actually believed the shooter pics are real and used the pics of hideo kojima
this is too fucking funny holy shit

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a disposable pipe shotgun is going to be nearly as effective as a actual shotgun if you only need a couple shots

Calling someone a coward for not doing a monumentally stupid act isn't criticism.

I always knew Kojima was a communist.

the man who sold the world

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Abe Lincoln and Jack Kennedy would like a word.

That's not Kojima.
The killer's name is Haido Samomosuke get it right.

Biden's the worst president the country has ever seen, I'm surprised people don't have the same energy for when they assassinated JFK

How much are you willing to be Les Enfants Terribles was real and Kojima and his doppelgangers are all the product of 1000 times folded Japanese Samurai genes used in attempt to create the perfect soldier.

>the people
>assassinated JFK

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>abraham lincoln
>james garfield
>william mckinley
nothing apparently

Someone even more conservative

Don't forget the failed one with Roosevelt.

A pipe gun will kill anyone

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la muertalidad