You wouldn't steal a physical copy of a game...right Any Forums?

You wouldn't steal a physical copy of a game...right Any Forums?

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I actually did this once.
[/spoiler]Not really, lol[/spoiler]

nah just pirate it

>physical copy
This ages worse and worse with every year.

No, because physical copies cost to produce and are limited in quantity

MY first copy of Re4 had as a kid I stole from Walmart sine they wouldnt sell it to a middle schooler

i used to steal copies on birthday parties when i was 9-12, but only if i had a reason to, like the kid was a bully, or they broke something of mine, and also if it's a game i know they don't play a lot.
Now i just pirate everything sooooo...

Nice spoiler, newfag

Nah, I never steal. Heck, I won't even consider pirating a game if it's still being sold on steam or PSN or even iOS. I think a good game deserves to be compensated with money, and a bad game I don't need to pirate because it doesn't deserve space on my hard drive.

Lol what a rat. Stealing from people who invited you over to their house will send you straight to hell, unlike stealing from a big box store

I stole a 360 game from bestbuy because I was pissed how they were treating me. I just stuffed the disc in my pocket and threw away the box.

I stole the precious thing

would not even be up in the top 50 reasons i'm going to hell sadly....i'm on Any Forums afterall.

Attached: home.png (466x262, 158.41K)

homero chino

I have. Someone one left a SNES street fighter II world warrior cartridge in a park and I took it.

Stole a copy morrowind when i was like 14, shit was cash

>like the kid was a bully, or they broke something of mine
good those fags deserved it

Why don't you pirate it and if he game was good you buy it?


I helped twice this little family of literal african niggers twice with issues they had with their computer half a decade ago, and they expected me to waste my precious time without compensation
I left with a copy of Mario Kart DS

I never pirate games because I already realize that I only play the same 2-4 games a month.