Racist, snitch, disloyal, retarded, short sighted, emotional, shit at warfare, uses the voice to murder people

>racist, snitch, disloyal, retarded, short sighted, emotional, shit at warfare, uses the voice to murder people
so why do people support him, again?

Attached: ulfric.jpg (400x400, 42.58K)

He's charismatic and not 100% wrong about anything. Still the incorrect choice though.

Attached: imperials vs stormcloacks.png (1350x2128, 394.82K)

you had me at racist

conservitards are terrible judges of character

The Thalmor and the Empire only created chaos, he had the right to fight for a better Skyrim, and he wasn't the first to rebel against the Empire. Skyrim for the nords, mutts and their empire overlords get the SHOUT!!!

They say racist, I see basedest.

>lets you join his organization regardless of your race

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Because he will be almost comedically easy for my Dragonborn to kill and usurp to become High King.

the conservative platform would crumble without useful idiots conned into actively working against themselves

Sounds like a prime politician if you ask me.

Wanting to keep Skyrim Nordic doesn't mean there can't be a small minority of other races which assimilate into the culture you Altjew.

>Lost the war even with the full backing of the entire Aldmeri Dominion

Where is this shit anywhere in actual game WTF?

centrists hang next to the libtards
anything other than full unapologetic fascism is evil and should be stamped out like a disease

Be reasonable, the Empire was crumbling for decades if not centuries at that point, they were bound to take a major L regardless of Thalmor meddling.

Tullius telling you he wants to kill elves already, the racist
Tullius telling you he and other prominent officers want to go against his government's decisions and treaties like the Whie Gold Concordat.
Tullius since he needs you.
>short sighted
that user >emotional
None desu
>shit at warfare
Clearly the Empire for getting peaced out with a humiliation like the WGC
>uses the voice to murder people
"Prisoner, to the block"

He was right about the important issues. That is important not the extraneous crap you care about.

kys faggot

maybe the Empire should have thought about that before they let subhumans drag their culture into the mud
allowing the provincials to be anything other than servants was a mistake

Books and secondary dialogue.

Unreliable narrator is a bitch.

sounds like Any Forums incarnate, so I'm not sure what confuses you so much

I liked the stormcloaks before i learned some of them were racists, yikes, do better.

>He acknowledges that his whole battle was a mistake in Sovingrade
The Stormcloaks are so fucking retarded. I just got hope that their victory is cannon so both Empire and Skyrim gets fucked without lube by the Thalmor

yeah and argonians literally aren't allowed into the city yet the player can walk straight into the jarl's palace and chat with him

almost like skyrim is a shit game for babies

Because in a video game fighting for the revolutionary cause is more fun than fighting for the decrepit status quo, and Im not an American liberal who filters all work of fiction through the prism of real world ideology.

Doesn't Rikke do the same shit though? The regret is in having lost and the deaths being for nothing as a monster eats the world.