Why do cryptochads take the blame for anti consumer practices the GPU companies do to you?

Why do cryptochads take the blame for anti consumer practices the GPU companies do to you?

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Chink hands typed this.

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The same type of person that defends large corporations (Nvidia Shills) is the same type of person that lick the governments boot (no coiners).

oh hey its this thread again

Low iq right wingers defend every scummy business price gouging them. Look at how a barrel of oil is cheaper than it was 2 years ago yet they blame gas prices on Biden


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Because it's easier to blame random people than to blame your beloved corporation, for example Nintendo fans.
If no coiners actually used their machines to mine while they were not using their PCs and at 50% capacity, they would have the cash to buy 4000 series by now, but all they do is complain they can't afford one, meanwhile big tech companies are charging $70 per game and over $1000 per mid range cards, and the retards here clap ar it.
Well, that's their loss, I have the money from mining with a lowkey 2070 and will upgrade to a 4000 when they release to continue mining whenever I'm not using it.

They were more than happy to allow their partners to inflate the prices when there was a shortage, and now want to drip feed these out to bail those same fucktards out? Anyone defending this should seriously consider suicide.

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I've only purchased graphics cards second hand from friends and relatives. Screw Nvidia for allowing morons to fuck the market up the ass.

even dead cryptos niggers a pain in the ass

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I'm not upgrading until 4k 144hz cards are cheap and standard. How long will that take?

Probably the next couple years assuming you don't give a shit about raytracing. Or if you're fine with DLSS and don't care about raytracing, a used 3080 will get you there easily. Worth mentioning that CPUs might be the bigger bottleneck in the coming years if what we've seen of UE5 is to be believed.


blame oil producing countries for wanting to keep prices high

>$1000 per mid range cards

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Should I buy a gpu now and then wait for the 5000 cards since I want to do 4k/144hz?

>a 3080 will get you 4k 144hz
no it fucking won't you stupid retard

>have GTX 1060 3Gb
>just bought RTX 3060 12Gb
Feels good man. I'm so glad I waited.

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I got a 3070 FE for MSRP. That should last me a good decade I imagine.

bruh there isn't a card on the market that can achieve 4k 144hz in current year games
t. 3080ti owner

>buy 2 r9 290 for around $800
>tell myself i will not upgrade until i can buy 1 card that doubles performance of both for same price
>wait 9 years
>mfw 6800XT just barely pulls it off
member when generational leaps were 50-70% better price/performance. i member.

You overspent by $70.

no not the 70 heckin dollars