Online gaming would be better without (or at least with extremely minimal) codes of conduct

Online gaming would be better without (or at least with extremely minimal) codes of conduct.

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Only cheaters should get banned

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>Online gaming
Is it really that prevalent?

I'm playing ESO and was told by somebody over chat a couple days ago that he was banned for three days for teabagging his dead opponents in PvP. If true, that's an outrage.


A good votekick system is all you need, servers will police themselves

When did it get this bad?

Which rules are you happy to have in place? I miss the days when being an asshole was still cool and funny and people who complained were mocked. This shit these days is soulless and Reddit.

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I don't know bro. This is the first time in many years I've played this kind of game and it's already getting boring and depressing.

All of them and add 1000+ I want online to crash there's no single player because of it.

I guess of all the possible answers you could have given, this is a pretty based one, except that I have no idea what you're talking about. I still play single player almost exclusively.

don't forget about doxxers and ddosers. and trolls(from comptard modes only)

>banning trolls
What the fuck kind of bullshit is this?

as i said, only from comptard modes.

If you dont want codes of conduct, go make your own games. Simple as.

What does that even mean?

ranked, you fucking idiot

Why ban trolls from ranked play?

more money and playtime from compniggers if they get caught in their dopamine cage

I'm not following.

then find a replacement for that piece of coal you call a brain and come back in here before this thread 404's.